Category Archives: Health

July Means That ‘World Brain Day’ Is Coming Up, July Means That ‘World Brain Day’ Is Coming Up

June is almost over and that means we’re headed into the next month of summer. July is filled with different weeks and days dedicated to different needs of awareness and World Brain Day is one of them. Anywhere between 5% and 55% of those 55 or older frequently suffer from neurological diseases. Reasons like this […]

Is It Really ‘Post’ COVID for Seniors? It Really ‘Post’ COVID for Seniors?

We may have thought that we were moving well past the pandemic but COVID-19 is still affecting many people…especially seniors. Usually, this includes those that are immunocompromised or that have certain disabilities. The problem is that with everyone now throwing precautions to the wind…seniors are having to compensate and do more to protect themselves when […]

Florida Ranks Low In Healthcare? Here’s What Seniors Should Know Ranks Low In Healthcare And Seniors Should Be Observant

The U.S. continues to come in well behind other industrialized countries when it comes to healthcare and Florida in particular…comes in 25th out of the entire country. Healthcare among seniors in general is already poor but for Florida seniors there is significantly more of a concern with more and more seniors suffering from multiple chronic […]

June Is Alzheimer’s & Brain Awareness Month! Is Alzheimer’s & Brain Awareness Month!

June is Alzheimer’s & Brain Awareness Month, a global initiative aimed at raising awareness about Alzheimer’s disease and promoting brain health. It’s also a month that you should attempt to become involved with if you know anyone with the disease or if you want to promote better health for seniors or anyone with a family […]

Navigating the Healthcare System as a Senior: Tips for Accessing Quality Care the Healthcare System as a Senior: Tips for Accessing Quality Care

As we age, our healthcare needs tend to become more complex. Aside from our personal care needs, the healthcare system itself is even more complicated. As a senior, it might be difficult to navigate healthcare, to know what’s best for you, or your family. If you aren’t particularly familiar with or comfortable with this, it […]