Every state in the United States has a significant and growing senior population, but Florida is number one in senior statistics. Florida ranks 3rd in overall population, but leads the nation in the percentage of senior residents. It is natural that providers of services like senior home care, in-home senior care and senior assisted living are clustering in our state. Active senior communities and retirement communities in Florida are prospering and growing.
With so many providers and vendors, how can seniors or their loved ones choose wisely? OurSeniors.net exists to fill this need for education and knowledgeable advice. The senior living magazine from Ourseniors.net will be a valuable resource when seeking information about all-things-senior. OurSeniors.net Magazine will be a high-quality, printed publication distributed throughout the Volusia-Flagler county area free to the reader. You can take a sneak peek at this all-things-senior resource by clicking the link, OurSeniors.net Magazine.
The OurSeniors.net web-based services are already an online guide to the many opportunities and options open to seniors, as well as help in meeting the challenges involved in a senior-life transition. The OurSeniors.net Senior Transition Pro Team is a network of professionals in many different areas who all have a special sensitivity to the needs of the senior marketplace. Today, checkout the OurSeniors.net directory of businesses and vendors with our ‘Seal-of-Approval’ that are a part of the OurSeniors.net family. These providers of products and services have all been vetted and qualified by OurSeniors.net because of their commitment to serve the needs of the senior market. Discover them by clicking on Seal of Approval Directory.