Category Archives: Elder Law

You Really Have to Be Careful Out There, We Have to Look Out for Our Seniors

elderly couple

Ten Assisted Living Facility Owners Indicted for Receipt of Health Care Kickbacks and Health Care Fraud Ten owners of assisted living facilities in Miami-Dade have been charged with involvement in a health care fraud scheme and for accepting kickbacks, in violation of Title 18, United States Code, Section 1347, and Title 42, United States Code, […]

Great job Wendy Mara…..She is also part of the FAL Senior Transition ProTeam

You can certainly count on FAL ProTeam Members  to stand out next to their peers, this is Attorney Wendy Mara For further information on Check it out: HERE

Prenuptial / Premarital Agreements

You have met a wonderful person later in life, and you fall in love. While talking about your exciting life together, you or maybe even your loved one mentions a prenuptial or premarital agreement. The realities of your financial situation weigh on your mind. You own many valuable assets – assets you would like to […]

What is a healthcare surrogate?

A healthcare surrogate, sometimes called an “agent”, is a person appointed by you to make medical decisions on your behalf if you are not able to make or communicate them yourself. The healthcare surrogate is one form of an advance health care directive, a statement of your wishes in case you are not able to […]

Should You Have a Health Care Power of Attorney?

The simple answer is “Yes, you should definitely have a health care power of attorney for yourself and loved ones.”  This is a good place to remind you of the broader topic of planning for a senior life transition. The health care power of attorney (HCPA) and the living will are two of several legal […]