Category Archives: Finance

Heads Up- Traditional Banks Are Going Away!

Money Slider

You have probably noticed that there are fewer and fewer bank branches. In fact, between 2017 and 2021, over 4,400 bank branches shut down permanently. At the height of the pandemic, many more were temporarily closed or offered only limited services. At some branches, it was necessary to make a special appointment to access a […]

Strategies for an Independent Retirement and Healthcare Plan

Senior couple dealing with retirement and finances Slider

Provided by Rhonda Underhill   In today’s unpredictable world, it’s more crucial than ever to navigate the complexities of financial planning for retirement and healthcare. Relying solely on Social Security and Medicare can be a risky strategy. The valuable strategies in this guide is here to assist you in building a robust financial and […]

Do You Know Where All Your Assets Are Hiding?

Do You Know Where All Your Assets Are Hiding - Slider

Typically speaking, the increasing cost of living in the U.S. is making it more difficult for people to prepare for a comfortable retirement life. Many people who qualify for retirement are forced to find ways to supplement their income so that they can enjoy retirement as long as possible. While financial education has improved throughout […]

Florida Seniors Dealing With Biggest Burden When It Comes to Medical Bills? Seniors Dealing With Biggest Burden When It Comes to Medical Bills?

In the U.S. debt is a big problem…medical debt being one of the primary areas for concern. Across the U.S. alone, people are expected to have about $195 billion in medical debt. This doesn’t even account for debt in other areas such as credit cards, student loans, car payments, and mortgages. 3 million people exactly, […]

Brace Yourself….Produce Shortages (and More) Could Be on the Way Yourself....Produce Shortages (and More) Could Be on the Way

Is 2023 going to present seniors with more difficulty, specifically at the grocery store? In recent years, shopping for everyday essentials has become a bit more difficult and a lot of that is due to COVID-19. We’ve endured toilet paper shortages and struggled to find shelf-stable foods and even baby formula. We’ve also witnessed prices […]