Letters to Readers – Fall 2022

Letter To Readers - Fall 2022

Dear Readers, Subscribers and Donors, I would like to start by announcing that this Edition Is being dedicated to an Amazing Senior and Patriot Mirta Ramos, RIP 1936-2022. She was truly someone who lived thru Marxism, Socialism, and yes Communism firsthand thru the takeover of Cuba by the “I am not a Communist,” Fidel Castro. Like Ms. Ramos expressed many times, I am also very grateful to have had the opportunity to come to the greatest Country in the World, yes, the USA! It’s time for America to wake up, yes Que Pasa USA? As Ronald Reagan once stated “Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn’t pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same, or one day we will spend our sunset years telling our children and our children’s children what it was once like in the United States where men were free.” For more information about Mirta and other Amazing Seniors please visit https://ourseniors.net/amazing-seniors-2022/ . Now with the holidays on the horizon, there’s no better time to not just think of or send a card to, but physically be with family, friends, and neighbors, especially those seniors who might be aloneif if possible. If you didn’t already know, one in every nine Americans, or 11%, have spent winter holidays alone. The percentage is even higher for New Year’s Eve and New Year’s Day at 16%. With that, think about how difficult it might be for seniors to see all of their families if they don’t live nearby. The holidays are for enjoying time with your loved ones and doing things to make each other smile. Aside from togetherness, many people can escape the exhaustion of their job, achieve some well-deserved relaxation, and have something to look forward to. Nearly 28% of people over 50 have said that they’ve felt lonely during a holiday and that’s what we want to prevent. If you are unable to physically be with your loved ones, there’s no need to worry. When getting creative is an option, there is never the need to feel discouraged. Virtual calls including zoom or Facetime, shipping gifts and opening them at the same time on camera, or hosting a “remote” event can promote love and togetherness just as much as a physical visit can. Of course, it will be a different feeling than really being there in person but it’s the thought and the effort that counts. With all of the excitement around gearing up for the holidays, we do have an early surprise for you! If you speak Spanish as a primary, secondary, or even a third language, or you’re just intrigued by reading something in another language, you’re in luck. Que Pasa OurSeniors is being released and what’s special about this edition is why and how it’s made. Using Que Pasa USA, a brilliantly-done bilingual sitcom, as our muse, we think we’ve crafted something that will not only inspire our Spanish-speaking audience but honor what the show has meant to its viewers, just as we hope to do with our readers. This edition was crafted by our bilingual team and we’re excited about this release because we get to honor our roots in a part of the way we started….with the Hispanic population within South Florida. Que Pasa USA was a diamond among lost treasures of sorts. The show used a comical medium and real-life obstacles of Cuban-Americans to help viewers better relate to the stories portrayed in the episodes. It’s safe to say that the tactic worked and people today are still watching or reminiscing about the 1977 show. That type of reaction…that type of connection, is what we hope to give our readers. With all of the talk about holidays and fun announcements, you’d think there wouldn’t be anything left to say but we do have one more thing for you. OurSeniors is dedicated to catering to the senior population of Florida, and other areas where we can extend our care. We work hard to provide seniors with useful resources, information, and guidance when it’s needed. We also do what we can to cater to our readers through the content we curate, the giveaways that we secure, and the vendors that we work with. Everything we do and everyone involved whether directly or indirectly, all come together to create what you know as OurSeniors Magazine. If you enjoy our content, whether, through a digital or a paper copy, we’d love to hear from you. Remember, things only get better when there are voices behind ideas, questions, and comments, and we’d like to welcome them all. You are the reason we strive and the reason we can reach the communities we serve and that will never go unnoticed. With the issue of the new magazine being released and all of the hard work that’s been poured into its creation, we want to invite you to give us your honest opinion and let us know what you think. If it made you excited, we’d be glad to hear what you liked best. If it made you feel inspired, we’d love to know in what way. And if it makes you feel empowered to learn something new, we’d love to know what. Overall, if you’re enjoying following, reading, or supporting our magazine….or all of the above, consider pledging a donation as it will help us to continue what we do and how many more people we can reach.

Take care,

Julian G. Cantillo, L.P.N, President and Founder of OurSeniors.net Magazine

Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed in this letter are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of OurSeniors.net Magazine and or its related entities. Page 2 English Image