Election Day, 2022 is just around the corner. Tuesday, November 8 is Election Day, and Tuesday, October 11 is the last day to register to vote if you have not already done so. This is the General Election, so your party affiliation does not matter. All good citizens should show up to vote, and we know that OurSeniors will turn out.
This “off-year” election is very important. Florida voters will choose a governor, a United States Senator, Representatives in the U.S. House and numerous local and state officials. These local officials determine what your zoning laws will say, how much you pay in sales or real estate taxes and how most local questions are decided. In addition, there will be three proposed amendments to the state constitution, all of which could affect seniors.
Proper Registration
Florida law requires citizens to be properly registered before voting in either primary or general elections. If you are a new voter or have changed your address since the last election, you need to register or update your registration information. Floridians who are already properly registered do not need to take any action.
If needed, registering or updating is easy. It can be done entirely online at RegisterToVoteFlorida.gov. If you prefer, you may use Your County Supervisor of Elections Office- Click the link to find yours. These offices can assist you online, by mail or in person. You will need your Florida driver’s license or a current Florida ID card, and the last four digits of your social security number. You will also need the issue date that is on your Florida driver’s license or Florida ID card.
Important Dates
September 29 to October 6- Supervisors of Elections send out vote-by-mail ballots to those voters who already have requests on file. If you have voted by mail in the past, you should receive a 2022 ballot early in October.
October 11- The last day to register or to correct registration information.
October 29- The deadline to request that a vote-by-mail ballot be mailed to a voter. This may be important to seniors who are home-bound or wish to vote-by-mail for the first time. If you voted by mail in the last (2020) election, you should automatically receive a 2022 vote-by-mail ballot from your county Supervisor of Elections’ Office. If you are in any doubt, check with your county Supervisor of Elections’ Office ASAP to verify that you will receive this ballot.
October 29 to November 5- Polls are open for early voting. These dates may vary by county, so check with the Elections Office in your locale. You may vote in any of your county polling locations during this period.
November 8- Election Day. Polls will be open until 7:00 PM local time. If you vote in person on Election Day, you must do so at your home precinct polling location.
November 8- Vote-by-mail ballots must be received in the Supervisor of Elections office by 7 PM to be counted.
When You Vote
If you vote by mail, be certain to read and follow the instructions. Date and sign your ballot and be sure to mail it in time for it to be received by the November 8 deadline. If you vote in person, either on Election Day or during early voting, be sure to take a current and valid photo ID with a signature.
Accepted IDs include a Florida driver’s license, a Florida identification card issued by the Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles, a United States passport or Military identification.
Thank You in Advance
OurSeniors.Net does not endorse candidates or political causes. However, we have got to say, “Thank you, Florida for making the voting process so senior-friendly.” With three ways to vote, Election Day voting, early voting and vote-by-mail ballots, there is no excuse for not doing your duty.
Florida is a very senior-friendly state and OurSeniors.Net is your go-to source for information about the senior lifestyle Florida, senior housing news, and all things senior and Florida. As we urge you to vote, we strive to be the best senior living magazine online. Thanks for reading our blog and get ready to vote! If you know a senior who has mobility issues, volunteer to help them to the polls! Keep America Free!