Elizabeth Hertling is an extraordinary senior. Every birthday is a unique occasion, a day that should be cherished and marked with festivities. Several recent birthdays have been particularly unforgettable for Elizabeth Cummings Hertling and those in her circle. Two years back, a group of firefighters from Orlando was sent to assist in her celebration. The […]
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Question: I previously had a yearly check-up for my workplace requirements. Now Medicare is requesting that I undergo a “wellness exam.” How does this differ from other types of medical examinations? Answer: The main distinction lies in the fact that a physical examination is more thorough compared to a wellness check-up. Annual physical examinations consist […]
Its that time of year once again, the Fall/Winter 2024 – 2025 Edition is coming out soon. Check it out with all of its latest articles, puzzles, games and helpful vetted vendors. Keep a look out for the Fall/Winter 2024 – 2025 Edition!
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To All OurSeniors Readers, Subscribers, Vendors, and Donors, Helping OurSeniors Help Others A popular saying tells us that “You get what you pay for.” If you want a good quality product or service, you pay the price. In most cases, that holds true. We all shop for bargains, but when something is free, we are […]