Keep Your Motor Running with Andre’s Auto Repair

andre's auto repair

andre's auto repairFor most of us, cars are a fact of life. Sometimes they are terrific, offering freedom and ease, comfort and convenience. But sometimes they can be a real pain, especially when unexpected things go wrong and you’re left wondering what in the world that noise is and what it means.
That’s when it’s time for an expert you can trust. already did the work and found one for you – Andre’s Auto Repair.
Located right in Ormond Beach, Andre’s services all kinds of cars, thanks to the expertise of their ASE-certified (Automotive Service Excellence) mechanics. From basic maintenance like oil changes all the way to more serious repairs, Andre’s can help.
Their quality car repair and maintenance are held to a high standard, one that meets our own high standards at This locally owned shop knows its neighborhood and believes strongly in customer service, community and true professionalism. The pros here know cars of every make and model, domestic or foreign, and are up-to-date on the latest technologies. From minor issues to major problems, Andre’s will help you get back on the road, safely and quickly.
By being a part of the directory of services, Andre’s Auto Repair has met our strict code of ethics and our requirements of service, customer satisfaction, and professionalism. We are proud to have them in the family.

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