OurSeniors.net may be a relatively new name, but it still has a wealth of information and resources from the past. If you have been a follower of OurSeniors.net’s parents, Finding Assisted Living and FindingAssistedLiving.com, you know about the wealth of knowledge, experience, contacts and human resources this website and our organization already have. These assets are now directed towards making every transition to a senior lifestyle as safe, secure and satisfying as possible, as well as directing seniors to the world of possibilities and opportunities that are open to them.
One of OurSeniors.net’s core concerns is the welfare of senior veterans. These are men and women who have stood firmly to keep America secure and safe, and a great many of them reside in the Volusia-Flagler county area. An entire section of the OurSeniors.net website directory is devoted to senior veterans and their needs. The OurSeniors.net Veteran’s Services Directory covers Community Veterans Services, Outpatient Clinics and other local and statewide services for veterans. You can take a look by clicking the link above.
OurSeniors.net wants to help veterans looking for senior home care, senior assisted living or assisted living in Florida. One of the common questions we hear is, “Do Veteran’s Benefits ever pay for senior assisted living facilities?” In many cases, there is a way to do this. From the OurSeniors.net blog archives, read “Are There Any Veterans Benefits That Help Pay For A Senior Assisted Living Facility?” to find out how. Then use our directory of professional services to find a Florida attorney or other professional who can help.