OurSeniors.net strives to be a complete directory of all-things-senior solutions. We understand the needs of seniors, their families and loved ones. When you are searching for senior home care, senior assisted living, in-home senior care or general information about active senior communities, we are there to help. OurSeniors.net website, the senior living magazine, “OurSeniors.net Magazine” and our office staff are all dedicated to helping meet the challenges encountered by seniors.
We employ many tools to help. OurSeniors.net can help find the right Florida attorney to fill your special needs or a Florida CPA, financial advisors for seniors or a senior real estate specialist. One of the most valuable tools we put at your service is the Senior Transition Pro Team, a network of independent professionals in fields like law, real estate, medicine and finance. Each one of these professionals has demonstrated special sensitivity, understanding and skill in dealing with the needs of seniors.
Take a moment to look at one of the legal professionals on the Senior Transition Pro Team. There, you will find a link to Mr. Robert Abraham, Attorney. Mr. Abraham is a graduate of Penn State University and the Yale University Law School. He has practiced law in Daytona Beach and East Central Florida since 1965.
Mr. Abraham’s law practice relates in large part to Senior Life Transition issues, including real estate transactions, the preparation of wills, living wills, durable powers of attorney, trusts and other documents relating to life transition, asset protection and estate planning. He stands ready to assist in all senior life transition matters.
Like all members of the Senior Transition Pro Team and the OurSeniors.net Approved Vendors and service providers, Mr. Abraham is eager and able to serve your needs. The Senior Transition Pro Team can help with:
- Finding a Florida attorney
- Finding a Florida CPA
- Locating a senior real estate specialist
- Dependable, unbiased financial advice for seniors
You may contact OurSeniors.net directly by using the Contact Form on our website or by calling our office to speak with an OurSeniors.net advisor. Our toll free number is 866-333-2657.