The Benefits of Volunteering

Winter 2023 - The Benefits of Volunteering

As we age, we find it harder to find the time to volunteer to make our communities better. Seniors often feel they can no longer make contributions to help others. But this couldn’t be further from the truth. Volunteering doesn’t mean one has to give their time to build a school or serve meals to underprivileged communities on holidays; volunteering can be anything from reading a book to another person to maintaining a garden at a community center. Small and random acts of kindness go a long way to strengthen our relationships with the people that make our communities.

Volunteering Gives Seniors a Sense of Purpose

In a Bureau of Labor Report Statistics Report that recorded volunteer activities across all age groups found that volunteerism in people between the ages of 55 and 64 years declined slightly from prior years when the study was released in 2015. This is surprising considering what we know about the impact that volunteering and giving back to the community has on seniors. It allows many to serve causes they are passionate about by giving them the chance to revisit the knowledge and skills they have developed over years and pass them on to younger generations. Volunteerism helps seniors interact with diverse groups of people that share their interests and beliefs. The communication between groups helps to improve surroundings and brings positive effects to the community. Many seniors report that they gain valuable people skills, such as kindness, patience, and resilience – that allow them to make new connections that help enrich their lives in numerous ways. Organizers need great leadership and experienced people can help share passions that can inspire others and help them grow and benefit from the expertise seniors bring. Even if you commit to a few hours each month, you will be making a huge difference. Many people do not volunteer because they have mental or physical challenges preventing them from doing so. The positive impact that volunteering and giving back to the community does to people outweighs the negative effects of living an isolated and sedentary life does. Getting up and out of your home can have positive effects on your mental and physical health. Even if you volunteer behind a desk or contribute to your community by giving the knowledge you have gained over the years, you are doing a great service to yourself and others.

Giving Back to the Community Helps Improve Mental and Physical Health

Mental and physical health is important in the way seniors feel about their lives after retirement. Volunteering and giving back to the community cause massive benefits for people over the age of 55 in many ways. According to a UnitedHealthcare 2017 study, approximately 9 out of 10 seniors reported improved moods, nearly 8 out of 10 seniors reported lower levels of stress, and about 7 out of 10 seniors reported feeling more physically healthy. These numbers are similar for other age groups, but when there is so much concern over the well-being of seniors, it’s important to note the overall improvement volunteerism has on a group that is more at risk of feelings of isolation and depression. Seniors develop new habits, feel rejuvenated, and become motivated to help out in other ways, therefore staying active and living longer mentally and physically healthy lives.


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Popular Volunteering Ideas Great for Seniors

Because some seniors may have health or mobility issues that prevent them from doing certain activities, people looking to volunteer and give back should consider ideas where they can stay safe while reaping all the benefits of getting involved:
• Be a Companion to Someone. Simply giving somebody company by talking and listening to them can uplift your and your companion’s spirits. Seniors can feel isolated and experience depression when they do not have others to socialize with. By keeping somebody company, you not only help yourself but provide a valuable service to another person.
• Teach a Class a Subject You Like. Many seniors like to spend their later years continuing to learn. If you have any teaching experience or enjoy teaching others about a subject you know a lot about, you can lead a class in a senior residence home or community center. Committing just one hour a week can be enough to keep you and others motivated to learn something new.
• Lead a Small Reading Group. If you are an avid reader and want to socialize with others that share this passion, you can lead a small reading group in any genre. Discussing works of fiction or non-fiction is a great way to stay mentally active and can help keep your critical-thinking ability sharp. The structured setting can also help motivate others to set and maintain goals.
• Fundraising and Donations. There are several organizations and charitable causes that rely on fundraising activities such as donor events and item sales. Whether it’s bakery, clothing, or artwork, there are ways in which you can help by checking people in, logging inventory, taking donations and making donations, and even being the face behind a message that promotes something you believe in.

How to Find Opportunities in Your Community

There are several ways to learn about volunteering opportunities in your community. Whether you are passionate about advocacy, animal rights, or helping the homeless, you can find a way to donate your time. You can visit your local community center to find numerous listings at schools, local government organizations, and even senior residence communities. You can also check the web for local opportunities that will keep you close to your home. A great place to start is to look at which lists several non-profit organizations that are always looking for assistance. You can also learn about virtual opportunities, which is great because as we transition from quarantine due to Covid-19 you can stay safe at home if you are at a higher risk of contracting and spreading the virus. Thank you for checking out the OurSeniors.Net website, Facebook page, and blog. We are always providing you with informative content and encourage you to explore our other articles to learn more about the benefits of leading a healthier and more fulfilling life.