OurSeniors.net will cover the full range of senior-life opportunities, challenges and needs. This will include the ‘Sunny Side of Senior Living’ like travel and education, as well as, the challenges of finding suitable housing, good medical care, financial advice and professional legal help. One of the most valuable assets that OurSeniors.net has is its Senior Transition Pro Team. The Senior Transition Pro Team is a network of professional service providers in fields, such as law, real estate, medicine, finance, taxation and more. These professionals can help seniors with tasks such as buying or selling property, relocating, building a solid estate plan, minimizing taxation or getting sound medical advice.
The objective of OurSeniors.net is to make every senior-life transition as safe, secure and satisfying as possible. The OurSeniors.net Senior Transition Pro Team is a key part of that mission. We understand that senior lifestyle changes often involve buying and selling property. If you are moving to or relocating in Florida’s beautiful east coast, Bill Navarra and his team at Realty Pros Assured can help with all your property needs. They specialize in the Ormond Beach and greater Daytona Beach area. This includes Port Orange, Ponce Inlet, South Daytona Beach, Ormond by the Sea and other areas within greater Volusia County and East Flagler County.
Mr. Navarra is one of the trusted professionals who make up the OurSeniors.net Senior Transition Pro Team. You can learn more about this network of senior-life professionals in law, accounting, medicine and other fields by following the link to OurSeniors.net Senior Transition Pro Team.