OurSeniors.net is purposed to the cause of helping seniors in every way possible. We want to be more than a directory of senior-oriented services, professionals and businesses. OurSeniors.net is a solution to the challenges of senior life and a bridge to the opportunities that senior living offers. One of those opportunities is the chance to help other worthy causes.
Hogue Ministries is a 501c3 (non-profit) organization that exists to help the Christian community care for foster children and to support the families who do. Hogue Ministries works to help local churches to be part of the answer to the child foster care needs of their area. They do this through providing awareness, training, resources, consultation, and support to those churches and foster parents. OurSeniors.net is proud to partner with Stephen and Sandra Hogue of Hogue Ministries.
Stephen and Sandra have been in full-time ministry for over 20 years, involved in children, youth, and outreach ministry. Currently, they are serving as Orphan Care Missionaries with COMPACT Family Services. They have fostered 18 children over the years and have adopted 10. They work to see churches awakened to the biblical teaching of James 1:27, “to care for the orphan in their time of need.“ At OurSeniors.net, we strive to serve the needs of seniors. Hogue Ministries strives to meet needs at the opposite end of the age spectrum, young children. Both of these are great causes.
As you can imagine, Christmas is a special time of need for this fine organization. To help meet these needs, Hogue Ministries is asking civic groups, individual donors, businesses or other organizations to help foster children this Christmas. They are collecting store gift cards to be used for this purpose. The cards are available in increments of $25.
If you would like to help this fine non-profit cause, go to the Hoguecrew.org website and follow the prompts. Or, just click Christmas Gift Card for the Hogue Crew. You can put a smile on a foster child’s face! God bless you and those children too!
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