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Northeast Florida Fall/Winter 2024 – 2025 Edition – Magazine

If you are a senior or soon to be one, then search no more as Magazine is the best senior publication in Northeast Florida.


Fall/Winter 2024 – 2025 | Volume 8 | Issue 3

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To All OurSeniors Readers, Subscribers, Vendors, and Donors,

Helping OurSeniors

Here at OurSeniors.Net and OurSeniors.Org we provide seniors with quality information and services available on print and online magazine free of charge. How do we do this? We depend on the generosity and support of individuals like you.

By supporting OurSeniors.Net Magazine you are helping many seniors stay informed about the latest details on topics that directly affect them. There are many seniors who lack support and access to resources, for that reason we focus on topics such as, senior living, health and wellness, insurance, retirement planning and end of life planning to name a few. We need your help in order to continue to provide this valuable service that so many in our community need. All donations help ensure that our magazine and services remain free. As a 501c(3) organization, donations are tax deductible. We urge you to consider a monthly donation that will be used directly to help the vulnerable in our community. need your help in maintaining this free publication available to all.

As we approach the last quarter of 2024, we are shifting our print cycle to semiannual due to the high cost of printing and distribution. The publication will also remain accessible online. As a reminder, please visit our blog located on the website for current information on events, and articles.

We encourage our readers to go out and vote, stay safe and enjoy your holidays. Start fresh in 2025 looking forward to a great new year. From our family at OurSeniors.Net Magazine best wishes and Thank You to our sponsors, and doners who enable us to provide this service to our community.

-As always, you as a reader are part of everything that we achieve, and that will never go unnoticed. Team

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April – Spring/Summer
Artwork Deadlines:
Sept. 1 | March 1


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Lunch and Learn Flyer Fall 2024
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Operation Support is a fundraising initiative designed to assist in covering the expenses related to the beneficial services we provide to seniors., a 501 C (3) nonprofit organization, has been offering services free to seniors for a long time. The aim is to provide helpful information and resources to seniors and their loved ones.

OurSeniors has been publishing and sharing their print and online magazine, OurSeniors.Net Magazine, at no cost to their audience for years. Senior readers have discovered motivation, enjoyment, and useful advice in the contents of this excellent magazine that is published every three months. Serving Seniors, their families, friends, and caregivers is and will remain the primary mission.

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The Lunch and Learn Event series for seniors has offered a chance for individuals to gain helpful insights and skills while enjoying the company of others in their age group. This chance for seniors to socialize is a crucial aspect of the services provided to them. Our group regularly visits nursing homes and assisted living facilities to help seniors avoid feelings of isolation, which can have negative effects on their physical and mental well-being.

The preservation of OurSeniors’ network of approved businesses and professional service providers is a key focus of their operations. These individuals or organizations have agreed to follow a rigorous set of guidelines when working with the elderly. They offer more than just products, but also professional services such as legal and medical expertise. All the approved vendors promise to abide by the OurSeniors Code of Ethics, guaranteeing transparent and ethical transactions with elderly individuals. intentionally aims to bridge the gap between the needs of seniors and the resources available to them. Your assistance is crucial in sustaining our commitment to this cause. Certainly, contributions given to nonprofit organizations designated as 501 C (3) organizations, such as OurSeniors, can be deducted from the donor’s taxes. Visit the website or contact us at (386) 516-3969 to assist in supporting seniors. Thank you for supporting our cause.

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Dr. Stephen Quaning 2 - MetroHealthQuestion: I previously had a yearly check-up for my workplace requirements. Now Medicare is requesting that I undergo a “wellness exam.” How does this differ from other types of medical examinations?

Answer: The main distinction lies in the fact that a physical examination is more thorough compared to a wellness check-up. Annual physical examinations consist of a thorough physical assessment that includes blood tests and additional diagnostic evaluations such as a cardiogram. The yearly health assessment will involve assessing standard metrics like height, weight, and blood pressure. During a yearly health check-up, the physician will concentrate on revising your medical history and providing recommendations based on your age. This presents a fantastic chance for elderly individuals to converse about any recent issues or symptoms they may be encountering. If your physician believes that these issues require additional examination, they may request more comprehensive tests or refer you to a specialist for further evaluation.

Medicare insurance considers a regular check-up as one that is not related to a particular illness, symptom, or injury. If a complete physical examination is not necessary, they aim to reduce costs by replacing it with a wellness check-up.

Question: MetroHealth focuses on providing specialized care for elderly individuals. What are the most frequently encountered health issues that you observe?

Answer: At certain times of the year, the predominant issue addressed is typically routine symptoms of colds and flu. These conditions are frequently mild; however, seniors should be particularly vigilant in preventing their advancement. Respiratory and other infections remain a prevalent reason for hospital admissions in elderly individuals.

Typically, the most prevalent ailments observed are age-related conditions such as arthritis, hypertension, and diabetes. We are actively monitoring for the early indicators of cancer, Alzheimer’s disease, and dementia. MetroHealth aims to provide comprehensive care for individuals that considers their physical, mental, and emotional well-being. It is crucial for elderly individuals to regularly seek guidance from their physicians, adhere to their prescribed treatment regimens, and embrace healthy lifestyle practices. Engaging in physical activity, maintaining a healthy diet, getting sufficient rest, and steering clear of smoking can aid in the prevention and management of these long-term conditions while also enhancing one’s overall quality of life.


Disclaimer. The information provided in Ask Dr. Q or on our website is intended for informational purposes only. It should not be construed as a substitute for professional medical advice. Please note that not all questions submitted may be answered. Always consult your physician or healthcare provider for medical advice. For additional Disclaimer information please visit

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If you remember Florida in the 1950s, you may recall a state with a small population and only three urban areas that were considered cities. Now, fast-growing communities like Orlando, Ft Lauderdale, Ocala, and Kissimmee have joined Miami, Tampa-St Petersburg, and Jacksonville. Our state’s growth has been extraordinary and has exceeded all expectations for many years. Numerous predictions have been made about the potential slowdown or halt of this growth, but those forecasts have not come to fruition. In 2020, Florida had more seniors relocating to the state than any other in the nation. Its total of over 63,000 new senior residents surpassed the combined totals of the next three states.

What is it about Florida that draws retirees and seniors to the state, and will this trend continue as the population continues to expand?

Let’s examine some of the reasons for Florida’s appeal and consider what the future may hold. Florida offers seniors low taxes, as there is no income tax, estate tax, or real estate taxes in most areas are affordable. Florida does not impose any taxes on intangible assets such as stocks and bonds, and retirement income from pensions or Social Security is also not taxed. Seniors find tax havens particularly beneficial as they have transferred assets to avoid taxes in their original state.

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Considering that 41 states impose some form of income tax, it is possible that Florida may decide to tax these income sources in the future. No, there is little to no chance of that happening. The majority of tax protection does not stem from legislation passed by lawmakers and approved by governors. The Florida state constitution contains this provision, which can only be amended through a referendum of the citizens. This would necessitate a 60% majority of total voters, which is nearly unattainable. Real estate taxes predominantly fall under the jurisdiction of local authorities, giving them significant decision-making power in this area. Over the last ten years, certain areas in Florida have seen a significant rise in property tax rates. The high taxes in Dade, Broward, and Palm Beach have made them unappealing to tax-conscious seniors, but surprisingly, there are plenty of affordable areas in Florida, particularly compared to states in the northern region.

What about the cost of living?

The cost of living in Florida has traditionally been lower than other states, but it has recently risen to be more in line with the national average. Undoubtedly, the growing population has caused housing and services costs to rise at a quicker rate than they would have otherwise. The growth is expected to continue; however, it may not be consistent throughout. Regions such as south Florida are expected to grow faster than the average rate, while rural and semi-rural areas with lower population density will continue to offer good value.

What about access to healthcare?

Florida has 10 medical schools, along with teaching hospitals, VA clinics, and major group practices like the Mayo Clinic, providing a wide array of healthcare options in the state. It is also the residence of a significant and increasing elderly community that requires specialized attention. The rise in demand for services for seniors is expected, but it remains uncertain how effectively we will be able to meet this growing need. Florida’s population, which skews older than average, is likely to experience increased rates of diabetes, Alzheimer’s disease, and a variety of other age-related health issues. This will place a significant burden on the healthcare system, particularly. The need for medical care specifically tailored to older adults will be a critical factor when deciding on a location.

Are there 55 and over communities?

Florida’s communities designed for individuals over the age of 55 are frequently the preferred option for retirees and are expected to increase in both quantity and scale. The Villages, situated across several thousand acres spanning three counties, experienced the most rapid population growth of any metropolitan area in the U.S. between 2010 and 2017. Frequently, these neighborhoods provide smaller, cost-effective residences that meet the requirements of older individuals. A lot of people prefer self-contained living environments that cater to all the necessities of their inhabitants. These communities could set an example for future development by offering services such as autonomous vehicles and telehealth features.

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What services are available for seniors?

Check out of the Florida Department of Elder Affairs to access services for older adults. There are more than 30 special service programs designed for senior citizens. Services range from legal assistance to care for Alzheimer’s patients. These programs have a price tag, and their popularity is increasing even more rapidly than Florida’s population. The increase in demand for these services will push them to their limits. Seniors in Florida are encouraged to become more involved in programs that safeguard and support them.

This situation has its advantages and disadvantages. The only thing we can be sure of is that Florida’s growth will continue for the foreseeable future. Please go thru our websites and and make sure that you share and also “Give while you Live” so that OurSeniors can be taken care of. Kindly remain by our side as we embark on this journey together.

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The Medicare Open Enrollment Period (OEP) occurs annually from October 15th to December 7th. The decisions taken at that time will take effect on January 1 of the following year and will remain in place for the entire upcoming year. During the Open Enrollment Period (OEP), Medicare beneficiaries have the opportunity to make adjustments that could greatly impact their access to, and costs associated with healthcare services.

This subject has the potential to be perplexing and intimidating. Many seniors find themselves overwhelmed by the deluge of marketing materials they receive, causing them to become paralyzed and unable to take any action due to the critical nature of the issue. This error is quite significant; there is nothing more crucial to older individuals than maximizing the benefits they receive from their Medicare coverage. Every year, the Medicare OEP is an opportunity to assess your individual circumstances and make a well-informed choice.

Advertisements targeting patients covered by Medicare can sometimes complicate this matter. The modifications being implemented to Medicare in 2024 may not be significant, however, seniors should not overlook the enrollment period without taking into account their individual circumstances. The health status of older individuals can fluctuate rapidly, often leading to adjustments in their Medicare coverage. These changes are typically driven by factors related to the seniors’ own health conditions rather than issues with the Medicare program. A Medicare plan that is designed for a 65-year-old individual in good health may not provide sufficient coverage for an 80-year-old patient with diabetes or other long-term health conditions.

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The majority of individuals join the Medicare program at the age of 65 by enrolling in “Original Medicare.” By the year 2023, approximately two-thirds of all Medicare beneficiaries were still utilizing the foundational components of the program, including Part A for hospital coverage and Part B for doctor and professional services. Medicare Parts A and B serve as the foundation of healthcare for the elderly, yet they are insufficient on their own. To address the deficiencies in Parts A and B coverage, the private insurance sector has created various “Medigap” plans.

A more recent alternative, known as Part C or Advantage Plans, was introduced more than twenty years ago. In fact, Advantage Plans are not a component of any existing framework; rather, they act as a full substitute for both Original Medicare and Medigap supplement plans. An advantage plan is a comprehensive bundle that includes everything needed in one package. It will definitely contain Components A and B, and typically include Part D benefits for prescription drugs as well (refer to details below). From the perspective of older individuals, there are certain significant distinctions between Original Medicare and Medicare Advantage.

Advantage-type plans restrict the amount of out-of-pocket expenses that seniors have to pay each year. The costs incurred by seniors for medical services under Parts A and B of Original Medicare are not restricted, requiring them to purchase additional Medigap coverage for financial protection. Conversely, Medicare Advantage Plans require beneficiaries to use a specific group of healthcare providers and impose penalties on seniors who seek care outside of this designated network. The optimal course of action for a particular elderly individual may differ due to fluctuations in their health status or alterations in their intended strategies. The Open Enrollment Period is the opportunity for individuals to review and potentially make adjustments to their current plan.

Please also keep in mind the following factors:

Are you spending an excessive amount of money on healthcare expenses? While Original Medicare and its Medigap supplements may have been sufficient before, as you grow older, the coverage may no longer be sufficient to meet your needs. This could be particularly accurate if you have acquired a long-lasting ailment. Medicare Special Needs Programs (SNPs) are a specialized type of Advantage Plan designed for targeted populations. They customize their networks, perks, and medication lists to meet the needs of these individuals.

The participants within provider networks may undergo alterations periodically. Make sure to verify with your chosen service providers if they are still accepting your insurance coverage.

Compare the benefits provided by a Medigap plan with those offered by Advantage options. Examining your coverage is highly encouraged due to the numerous benefits and advantages that Advantage Plans offer. Any individual who is a senior and meets the eligibility requirements for Medicare insurance can also qualify for an Advantage Plan.

Give thought to additional benefits provided by certain Advantage Plans. These could range from access to a fitness center to specialized classes in yoga. Are you currently using drugs that are not included in your coverage plan? The latest addition to the Medicare program is Part D, which provides prescription drug coverage. This has proven to be a great benefit for elderly individuals, yet it has also led to some misunderstandings. Drug formularies are subject to periodic updates and revisions. If you are currently prescribed a costly medication, consider opting for either a standalone Plan D or an Advantage Plan that offers comprehensive coverage.

Numerous circumstances are most effectively managed by a seasoned expert with a deep understanding of the local environment, connections, and accessible strategies. Choosing the correct plan with suitable benefits that align with your requirements is essential, but it is equally important to select the appropriate Primary Care Physician. We suggest that you visit the office of your potential Primary, inquire and ensure they are a suitable match for you. We strongly suggest that you visit MetroHealth and contact 386-467-4430 in Volusia County and 407-326-2071 in Orange County, as they have seven facilities scattered across Central Florida.

To inquire about any needs related to seniors, you can reach out to OurSeniors Team either by phone at 866-333-2657 (Spanish-speaking available) or through the Contact Us page. Visit Magazine online to view our senior living publication for free. You have the option to browse through the complete directory of endorsed vendors on by visiting Approved Vendors and Partners.

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Elizabeth Hertling is an extraordinary senior.

Every birthday is a unique occasion, a day that should be cherished and marked with festivities. Several recent birthdays have been particularly unforgettable for Elizabeth Cummings Hertling and those in her circle. Two years back, a group of firefighters from Orlando was sent to assist in her celebration. The mayor made an appearance as well. It is quite rare to reach the age of one hundred. Keep in mind that this happened two years ago. When this article is published, Elizabeth will have already turned 102 years old!

There are numerous factors that contribute to a person being chosen as one of OurSeniors “Amazing Seniors.” Speaking with this centenarian woman would undoubtedly confirm that she meets the criteria. Elizabeth Hertling, aged 102, possesses the mental acuity and liveliness of a young adult. She recalls her earlier days, her bosses, and her trips around the United States. The continent of Europe. She has vivid memories of the world she was born into and how drastically different it was compared to today. When questioned about her early years, she had two distinct remarks- “We didn’t have much money” and “I never want to experience another snowfall” One of Our Amazing Seniors!

Dr. Benjamin Newman is an exceptional senior who truly stands out.

Typically, individuals who pursue a career in the medical field are driven by a desire to assist those in need. The doctors and corpsmen in the United States are essential medical personnel. This is particularly applicable to the Navy and Marine Corps. Frequently, they are faced with intense scenarios where their assistance can be the deciding factor in saving a life. Ben Newman experienced several situations during his 46 years in the Navy.

In his youth, Ben occasionally frequented the Navy Yard in his hometown of Philadelphia. The sight of those ships inspired him to join the team, leading him to enlist in the Navy as a medical student in 1962. Every summer, he dedicated 45 days to serving as a medical officer at the Philadelphia Navy Hospital. Following his graduation, he enlisted in Destroyer Squadron 2 and quickly set off to Dong Ha, Vietnam for his active-duty deployment. The young doctor found South Vietnam’s northernmost city to be a center of combat and a harsh introduction to the realities of war.

Nothing in Dr. Newman’s training had equipped him for this situation. Dr. Newman was grateful for this encounter. He witnessed injuries from battles that were unlike anything seen in everyday medical settings. At the beginning of his deployment, a fresh-faced Marine who had encountered a landmine arrived at the hospital for treatment. Thank you so much for your 46 years of service!

Lowell Ward, perhaps by the time you read this article he will be 98.

Lowell Ward, an impressive individual at the age of 97. OurSeniors.Net recognizes that there is no age limit to creativity, the love for life, a positive attitude, and a cheerful perspective. At the age of 98, he still exudes vitality and originality, embracing each day with enthusiasm and making the most out of life. During an interview with an OurSeniors staff writer, he mentioned his excitement for his daily get-together with his son, Tom, and maybe some friends, which he dubbed his ‘happy hour’.

Lowell has spent his entire 98 years dedicating himself to serving his family, community, and country in the past. He is among the few remaining Americans who can claim they served on a World War II submarine. Lowell’s high school education was not quite complete in November of 1944 when he received his draft notice. At the age of 18, he was called upon to serve his country. Similar to many other young men during that period, he asked simply, “Where should I go to sign up?” Mr. Ward is truly an Amazing Senior!

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Kombucha is a fermented, sweetened tea made from specific strains of healthy bacteria, yeast and sugar. The process produces acetic acid (also found in vinegar) and many other acidic compounds, as well as traces of alcohol and gases that make it fizzy. don’t worry. The alcohol content of each bottle sold in stores is less than 1% and occurs naturally through the fermentation process. Kombucha has been around for thousands of years Kombucha originated in northeastern China (then known as Manchuria) around 220 BC. It remains a traditional drink in China and is consumed for its supposed health benefits. It is believed that the current name is related to Dr. Kombu, a Korean physician who brought the drink to Japan in the 5th century to treat the Japanese emperor. There may be cases of legend in this story, but we know that in the beginning of the 20th century it spread to Russia, then to Germany and other parts of Eastern Europe.

The popularity of Kombucha has continued to grow as an elixir of life, and many countries and cultures around the world have adopted the drink as a pillar of human health. Kombucha is now produced worldwide and is commonly an essential part of many diets due to the many health benefits it offers. What does Kombucha tea taste like? Most people say that Kombucha tea has a sharp and strong taste with a degree of gas caused by natural carbonation. Some compare the drink to a fizzy apple cider, while others say it tastes like a glass of dry champagne without the alcohol. Most brands you find in stores or home breweries will have many different flavors that include fruits and spices. Major brands have flavors ranging from apple to lemon and watermelon. Benefits of adding Kombucha to your diet Kombucha is rich in antioxidants and beneficial probiotics. It can also kill harmful bacteria and can help fight certain diseases.

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Here are six detailed, evidence-based benefits you’ll get from adding Kombucha to your diet: 1. It is an excellent source of probiotics. Probiotic bacteria are known as the “good” bacteria because they help restore balance in your gut. It promotes gut health by controlling or regulating the cells that move your food through the digestive system. 2. It is full of antioxidants. Kombucha also contains a ton of antioxidants that protect your cells against free radicals, which are molecules produced naturally when your body breaks down food or when you’re exposed to tobacco smoke. 3. Kombucha can kill bacteria. During the fermentation process, kombucha produces acetic acid that can kill harmful and infectious bacteria such as staph, E. coli, salmonella and H. pylori, a type of bacteria known to cause ulcers. 4. Kombucha strengthens the immune system. The digestive system is closely related to the immune system of your body. About 70% of the immune system is located in the gut. The “good” bacteria in Kombucha can boost the immune system because it helps the gut make antibodies that protect the whole body. 5. It can reduce the risk of heart disease. There are two markers of heart disease that studies have shown that Kombucha can have a positive impact on LDL and HDL cholesterol. This may be related to its preparation in a mixture of green tea, which we know is extremely effective in protecting LDL particles from oxidation. 6. Kombucha can also help you manage type 2 diabetes.

Studies show that kombucha slows down the digestion of carbohydrates, which naturally lowers blood sugar levels in adults. Kombucha made from green tea is likely to be more beneficial, as only the latter is associated with blood sugar levels. Other studies suggest that Kombucha can help prevent the growth and spread of cancer by blocking genetic mutation and promoting the death of cancer cells. How the anticancer properties of tea work are not well understood, but the first studies are very promising.

Where to find Kombucha?

Thanks to its growing popularity, Kombucha tea is widely available online, in supermarkets and health stores. Some of the most popular brands include Health-Ade, KeVita and Humm, among many other premium tasting brands that offer all the benefits of this healthy drink. It can be purchased at It is also possible to prepare Kombucha at home. Many brands sell their SCOBYs (the symbiotic culture of bacteria and yeast commonly called “mother” or “mushroom”) online, either on company websites or through large online retailers such as SCOBYs can also be found in some health food stores. SCOBYs have a unique appearance: they are rubbery, slippery and float.

Some people decide to make their own SCOBY at home and can find processes and recipes on the web or in homebrewing guides. You’re probably familiar with the saying “you get what you pay for” and that applies to where you get your SCOBYs. There is a long tradition of handing over SCOBY, which can be a great option if you connect with a friend or a local producer. Fermenting a SCOBY with green or black tea is a simple process and can produce a batch of Kombucha in 7-10 days. A simple process can be found here, a short 6-minute guide that takes you through your first fermentation. Specialty websites also sell or recommend gallon jars, mason jars, and have ingredient lists and detailed instructions to guide beginners and enthusiasts alike every step of the way. Dietary supplements and vitamins can be very helpful, but please consult your doctor before starting a new supplement and or modifying your diet. We hope you enjoy and find this article informative and the rest of Magazine.

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Currently, over sixty-five million individuals are providing care for aging family members or elderly acquaintances. This accounts for approximately 29% of the population. This may apply to individuals who are older, have long-term illnesses, or disabilities. This indicates that a considerable number of people are caregivers, which is a common aspect of life as everyone grows older; nevertheless, not everyone is skilled at dealing with situations like this, despite its natural occurrence.

Many individuals are unsure about the most effective course of action when faced with the responsibility of caring for an elderly parent or grandparent who is no longer able to reside in their own residence. When assuming the role of caregiver for a senior, it is important to be aware of certain key factors that can help make the process easier. Included are diverse options available to help ease any confusion or difficulties that may arise when caring for an elderly individual, making the process smoother and easier to navigate.

Decide on Your Course of Action

If you responsible for an elderly parent or any older individual, the initial step is to decide on a plan of action. The initial step in caring for elderly parents or seniors is to evaluate their individual requirements. It is important to recognize that not every person has the same care needs. Tailoring care to their individual circumstances is crucial for providing the best support possible.

Certain seniors may simply require help with their day-to-day activities, while others may need a higher level of medical attention. Have a conversation with the individual regarding expectations, their restrictions, and their health issues to develop a personalized care plan.

One should begin by figuring out what they require, as that is the most effective starting point. If the senior in question struggles with mobility and you are unable to be with them during the day, it might be worth looking into senior daycare, assisted living options or exploring nursing homes or senior living communities. Finding a solution that provides senior supervision in your absence may be all that is required to solve the problem. They might require assistance during the day or with mobility, as necessary. Creating a plan for senior care is the next logical step to take. This will require managing care resources, maintaining home safety for those who choose to remain in their homes, and identifying strategies to simplify and facilitate the aging process.

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Take an active approach to exploring care options

After you fully comprehend what your loved one requires, it is time to investigate the different care choices they have access to. To begin, consider their preferences when getting started. Different individuals may require diverse types of care, and factors such as finances, proximity, and overall accessibility must be considered when determining the suitable type of care needed for each person. Below are typical care alternatives that you should be contemplating.

In-home care could be a beneficial option

Taking care of elderly parents or older individuals in your life is a considerable duty that most will encounter. Approaching this position with empathy, patience, and a deep understanding of the difficulties faced is crucial. To ensure the highest quality of care for seniors, it is essential to educate yourself on the process and resources available. One preferred choice is receiving care at home as older individuals prefer to remain in their own homes as they age. Living in their own home is a popular choice because it allows people to stay in a familiar environment and is more affordable. This choice enables your family member to stay in the convenience of their own home while getting help with everyday activities and healthcare requirements. You are helping without having to move your loved one.

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Consider the option of assisted living facilities

These centers offer a caring setting for elderly individuals who require assistance with their daily tasks, yet desire to preserve a sense of autonomy. Independence is emphasized over moving and having everything done for people, while the environment remains secure.

Nursing facilities may be a viable choice; nursing homes provide extensive services for seniors who have complicated medical needs or need round-the-clock care. These services can be a suitable choice for individuals with elderly parents who are facing physical or age-related challenges. Not everyone has the skills to manage such issues, which is why opting for nursing homes or seeking advanced care services when necessary is a wise decision.

Consider the advantages of respite care services

If you are the main person responsible for taking care of someone and require time off, respite care services offer temporary assistance. Respite care serves as an excellent choice for caregivers looking to achieve a better work-life balance. If you are new to caring for elderly parents, this is your opportunity to decrease the stress associated with such a situation and avoid feeling overwhelmed.

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Is Adult Day Care a Suitable Choice for Your Beloved Family Member?

These facilities provide social interaction and supervision during daytime hours, enabling family caregivers to work or other duties. This option provides a viable alternative to nursing homes as it allows you to receive support as a caregiver while remaining the main provider of care. An adult day care facility can alleviate the responsibilities of caregivers and enable you to maintain an active social life.

Other Factors to Consider When Providing Care for Elderly Parents

When you take on the responsibility of caring for elderly parents, there are additional factors to consider. Legal matters such as documentation, advanced directives, and estate planning are necessary. Furthermore, it is important to consider conversations about financial powers of attorney, providing emotional and psychological support, and exploring options for long-term care insurance. Remember that taking care of elderly parents can have financial impacts, so it is important to think ahead and be aware of the expenses that come with the care option you choose.

Look into government programs, insurance options, and other financial resources to assist with these costs before moving forward. It would be advisable to seek the advice of a financial consultant to gain helpful tips on managing these expenses, allowing you to feel at ease as you transition to this new direction.

Navigating does not need to be challenging

To travel more smoothly through this journey and provide comfort for both parties, it is essential to comprehend your loved one’s requirements, investigate care possibilities, and ask for assistance.

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For many parents, one of the most meaningful events that happens for them as their own children grow into adults is the birth of a grandchild. Becoming a grandparent is a life-changing event and research shows that grandparents who are involved in their grandchildren’s lives are happier and less likely to experience depression. The role that grandparents can play is so special that in 1978, Jimmy Carter, then president of the United States, declared a National Grandparents Day to honor these special people and these bonds. Unfortunately, not every grandparent has the opportunity to develop a close relationship with their grandchild and some grandparents are denied contact with their grandchildren. These are forms of grandparent alienation.

Like parental alienation, grandparent alienation involves active efforts to damage or end the relationship between grandparents and grandchildren. This can be considered both a form of child abuse and elder abuse as it causes emotional damage that is difficult to ameliorate due to the lost years of connection during a child’s development. Further, the recognition of mortality and the realization that they cannot make up for lost time that could have spent with grandchildren are especially distressing for grandparents.

Grandparent alienation can take many forms and these include the following: denigration of the grandparent by the parent; controlling contact between the grandparent and grandchild; brainwashing or convincing the child to hold false beliefs about the grandparent; banning information by triangulating third parties, such as teachers, medical personnel, etc.; rejecting cards or gifts that the grandparent has sent to the child; false allegations against the grandparent; interrogation of the child after spending time with the grandparent; secret-keeping that is required of the child to ensure information about the child and their parents is kept from the grandparent; manipulation of the grandparent/child prior to any separation or divorce of the parents; emotional manipulation such as a parent threatening to withdraw their love if the child chooses to spend time with the grandparent; social media blackout; encouraging disrespect of the grandparent by the parent; and sending threatening messages via mail, text, or other means to the grandparent.

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All of these are hurtful to the grandparents. While a parent may be willing to allow brief or monitored contact between grandparent and grandchild, the absence of open and relaxed communication can negatively affect the relationship. While a parent may feel justified in their actions, they are likely doing harm to their grandchild as the bond between grandparents and grandchildren can be an incredibly special and significant one.

There are many reasons that alienation happens, and it is often due to an unrelated estrangement between the grandparent and their own adult child. Unfortunately, recent news stories indicate that the number of adults disengaging from their parents has grown in number and visibility in recent years. The most frequent reasons cited for cutting ties with parents were prior emotional abuse by a parent, prior neglect, and values and personality conflicts. When this severed relationship between parent and adult child extends to grandchildren, it is devastating for many grandparents and leads to compromised wellness and decreased life satisfaction.

What Can be Done?

Unfortunately, there are not national standards regarding grandparents’ rights related to access to their grandchildren. In fact, in many states, including Florida, the path to gaining visitation time with alienated grandchildren involves a legal solution. In addition, parents’ wishes are prioritized when a court is being asked to make a decision on grandparents’ access to visits with the grandchildren. Trying to force parents to allow visitation after the alienation has already begun is exceptionally difficult, so the focus should be on ensuring further relationship rupture does not occur. Because one of the factors that is considered in legal cases regarding grandparent visitation is the existing relationship between grandchild and grandparent, it is essential to attend to and nurture this relationship from its earliest days and in as fully as possible.

Some Reminders for Grandparents

Recognize that your child is your grandchild’s parent, and you should follow the rules they set for their child.

Do not make a habit of overstepping the bounds of “chain of command” in terms of childrearing decisions. Too many “only at grandma’s or grandpa’s” activities may be building blocks in a parent’s decision to limit the time you can spend with your grandchild.

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Be willing to go with the flow and not force things with your adult child no matter how differently they are raising their child.
If your relationship with your own child is frayed or broken, acknowledge your contribution to the relationship rupture, and ask if they are willing to work out the past conflict or let it go and move forward.

Do not ever engage in behaviors that are designed to alienate your grandchild from their parents – even after a divorce in which your daughter/son-in-law was at fault.

Do not disparage your grandchild’s parents to the child.

If you see that your child is limiting the time you can spend with their child or the places where you and the child can spend time together, honor their limits. If you try to force the issue, they may place even stricter limits in place.


It is a grief that people describe as worse than a death in that there is no sense of finality. Seeking legal remedies may not be fruitful, engagement in mediation may be difficult to arrange due to adult children’s lack of interest, so self-care and finding healing through counseling, faith practices, or a strong support network may be the best path for grandparents.

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According to a February 9, 2024 business blog by Lesley Fair: “Facts about fraud from the FTC – and what it means to business” 1 – the FTC, reports that in 2023, fraud-related losses totaled $10 billion dollars, an increase of over $1 billion from the previous year. The article lists the top frauds as:

Imposter Scams
Online Shopping Scams
Sweepstakes and Lottery Scams
Investment Scams
Social Media Scams
Email Scams (Phishing)

The report goes on to mention that imposter scams was at the top of their list costing consumers $2.7 billion in losses.

There is a galaxy of strategies that consumers can employ to thwart fraud. In previous featured articles in OurSeniors Magazine, we discussed in some detail how ID thievery and other frauds might be curtailed. In my humble opinion, one of the less discussed reasons why fraud is skyrocketing is because individuals open themselves up to being scammed by being too complacent and failing to take important steps to shield themselves from victimization. I believe individuals began to become complacent in the late 1930s and early 1940s; during a period when products were invented that helped make American’s lives easier and less complicated. Some of these inventions include: the escalator, automatic car transmission, drive thru restaurant, TV remote, TV Guide, TV dinner, transistor radio, electric washing machine, electric reclining easy chair, family station wagon, electric coffee pot, microchip, and the fax machine. Pulling this thread even further, the 1960s and 1970s, saw the dawn of the push button telephone, the personal computer, the computer mouse, the GPS system, the microwave, the Walkman, and the video game. It’s no wonder that individuals began getting lackadaisical. As this new technology took America by storm, it also helped make individuals indolent and more prone to taking dangerous shortcuts. In turn, these shortcuts have helped make individuals less security conscious and more susceptible to the scammer’s deadly reach. Whilst these deadly shortcuts are inviting ways to save time and personal energy they also serve as fraud enabling strategies. Some of these deadly shortcuts include:

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Not ordering credit reports (even though copies are provided gratis annually and/or if the individual is a fraud victim)
Not checking credit reports for inconsistencies
Not disputing credit report inconsistencies
Not purchasing credit monitoring services
Not reporting fraud scams
Not using pin activation when signing onto electronic devices
Not automatically storing and saving passwords for future quick access
Not periodically changing passwords
Not drafting strong / non-descriptive passwords containing upper- and lower-case letters, numbers and symbols
Not shredding sensitive documents
Not unsubscribing from incoming emails but from company websites
Not using Gel Tip or Uni Ball Pens when writing checks
Not searching for the “S” and or “closed lock icon” symbol to verify that the website address is secure
Not seeking fueling stations and retail establishments in high trafficked areas (oftentimes, retailers in remote areas may be prone to having illegal scamming devices affixed to point of sale pumps)
Not seeking multi factor / 2 step authentication
Not securing chipped cards in RFID protected wallets (RFID – radio frequency identification)
Not ascertaining pick-up schedules for U.S. mailboxes before depositing mail (it is believed that many thieves have stolen mailbox keys)
Not keeping track of incoming billing cycles
Not placing “pre notification” safeguards on important documents such as deeds and titles, etc.
Not retrieving credit card receipts at fueling stations and retail establishments
Not turning off personal WIFI and Bluetooth settings when leaving safe locations (oftentimes, the smartphone and/or computer will automatically jump onto a previously used WIFI connection which may not be a secure site)
Not shopping on public WIFI networks
Not keeping virus / firewall protection up to date
Not verifying whether websites are secure before accepting cookie requests
Not checking caller ID before answering unknown calls (oftentimes, when a spam call is answered scammers know the number is an active number and add it to their “continue-to-call-list)
Not thinking before clicking!


Complacency is not contagious, but ignoring it is. Just like every cloud has a silver lining – every fraud-related scam has a solution. The secret to staying one step ahead of skyrocketing fraud is to stop taking short cuts and start making changes. An excellent way to stop scammers dead in their tracks is to think before you click and stop taking deadly shortcuts!

About the Author:
Anthony J. Luizzo, PhD, CFE, CST

Anthony J. Luizzo, PhD, CFE is an investigative sleuth with the Seniors vs Crime Project – a volunteer program of the Florida Attorney General. He is assigned to the Volusia County Office. Mr. Luizzo is a published author “Healthcare Security: Solutions for Management, Operations and Administration” – Productivity Press 2022 – ISBN 978103210549-9 ( and “Fraud Auditing A Complete Guide” – NYS Society of Certified Public Accountants & The foundation for Accounting Education 1992 – Rev. 1995.

Suggested Reading:

Luizzo, A. Murphy, R. Taking a Big Bite Out of Senior Scams PI Magazine Vol. 23 Issue 185. pp. 16-19 March / April 2023 Our Seniors Magazine “Fraud & Security: Seniors Vs Crime, A Special Project of the Florida Attorney General” Winter 2024 (
407 537-9509 800 203-3099


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Physical exercise is a core tenet in the prevention and management of chronic illnesses, such as hypertension, diabetes, heart diseases, and stroke, and in facilitating overall well-being. Primary care providers give patients guidance in managing and optimizing their health according to their individual needs. They also observe which advice is most helpful and why. As a practitioner working predominantly with the elderly population, this serves as the motivation to write this article. This article discusses several practical strategies for seniors to integrate physical activity into their routines while addressing common barriers to doing so.

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While physical activity is widely recognized and well-documented as important to long-term health, it is crucial to reiterate the significant improvement afforded to quality of later life. Anxiety, depression, insomnia, constipation, and back pain are only some of the common issues senior patients grapple with that are made worse with lack of physical activity. Continued physical activity throughout the lifetime promotes the preservation of skills and abilities taken for granted earlier in life, such as balance and memory. Not only has exercise been shown to have direct impacts to brain functioning, but physical activity further contributes to overall well-being by reducing personal and interpersonal stress related to physical ailments.

Finding the most convenient time of day for physical activity is crucial. It can be tempting to forego physical activity when it doesn’t fit conveniently into your schedule, thus it is important to find a time of day that fits the best with other personal, family, and work obligations. One individual might find it easy to fit in a longer run in the morning before work, but another might find it best to take short walks after meals.

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Choosing the right activities for oneself is also important to building a routine. Doing enjoyable activities greatly improves the chances of continuing to do them. The Center for Disease Control and Prevention recommends that adults 65 and older need 150 minutes of moderate exercise or 75 minutes of vigorous exercise or a combination of the two, in addition to 2 days of muscle strengthening activity. These targets can be achieved with many combinations of activities including formal workouts, sports, and even everyday movement. The exact number targets can be tailored to the individual schedule, abilities, and conditions with the help of a medical provider or paramedical provider such as a certified trainer. Any increase in movement from a sedentary lifestyle is beneficial.

In addition to time and activity, it is pertinent that adequate nutrition and rest are also incorporated in the routine for the energy needed to perform both formal exercise and daily functions. Limiting caffeine, alcohol, and afternoon naps has been shown to greatly improve sleep quality. Though seniors may find that they experience appetite changes or loss with age, they can work with their care providers to create a plan to address their nutritional needs.

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Do you know God has more for you than you’re experiencing? If you’re like most Christians I’ve talked to, you likely answered yes.

The reason is because none of us have reached our full potential. We all need to keep pursuing the things of God. John 10:10 says, “The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy: I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly” (emphasis added). One translation renders “more abundantly” as “to the fullest.”

Yet the average Christian is living way below what God intended for them, and they don’t know how to go from where they are to where they need to be. Instead, they spend a lot of time praying, fasting, and begging God for change. They’re waiting on Him to do something.

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That’s not the way the Scriptures teach us about change.

People hear the term “effortless change” and think it’s impossible. But “with God all things are possible” (Matt. 19:26). Many believe that change has to be traumatic and painful. However, Mark 4 shows us that a seed doesn’t travail or groan to change and produce fruit. It’s the nature of an apple seed to grow into a tree and then produce fruit. In the same way, God’s Word will change our lives for the better, effortlessly. It’s the nature of God’s Word to bring about change within us.

The verses the Lord used to transform my life back in 1968 were Romans 12:1–2 (emphasis added):
I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service. And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.

Notice that this passage says, “And be not conformed to this world.” The word conform basically means to be poured into the mold of something. Life is like a furnace, and your experiences are going to have an impact on you. They will melt you, but you get to pick which mold you fit into. The same things could happen to two different people, yet one could choose to become better, while the other chooses to become bitter.

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During the COVID pandemic, I saw people respond in absolute terror and fear. They based their lives on the fear of a virus that the vast majority of people recover from. It’s sad that many Christians are just as sick, fearful, and depressed as those who don’t know the Lord. There ought to be a difference.

The fear of death brings people into bondage, but the Word of God can change that fear into faith. Hebrews 2:15 says that Jesus came to “deliver them who through fear of death were all their lifetime subject to bondage.” Unfortunately, our society has become very secular. God has been removed from most people’s thinking to such a degree that they are terrified of death because they think this life is all that there is.

God didn’t create us to be this way. We need to change our thinking and begin living life to the fullest like Jesus said in John 10:10.

We should not be afraid, because we know that “perfect love casteth out fear” (1 John 4:18). We should be walking in health because we know that by Jesus’ stripes, we have already been healed (1 Pet. 2:24). We have promises that no plague will come near our dwelling and that God will give His angels charge over us (Ps. 91:10–11).

If you’re a Christian, you should not be conformed to this world but be “transformed by the renewing of your mind” (Rom. 12:2).

If you enjoyed what I shared here, visit my website at, where you’ll find additional free teachings and resources. If you need prayer, I encourage you to call my Helpline at 719-635-1111, where one of my trained prayer ministers would love to pray with you.

We love you,

Andrew and Jamie Wommack

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