Central Florida, Winter 2022

Central Florida Winter 2022 Edition – OurSeniors.net Magazine
Yes, it is officially Winter all over but this very special OurSeniors.net Magazine Central Florida Winter 2022 Edition is out and available for print and online senior magazine by visiting https://ourseniors.net/
Winter 2022 | Volume 6 / Issue 1
Did You Know?
2 | Use Your Business Skills as a Volunteer for SCORE
3 | OurSeniors Team Helps a Son in Need
23 | OurSeniors.org Assisting Seniors
Assisted Living
14 | Benefits of Living in a Senior Community
Community Events
12 | Brunch & Learn
18 | Winter 2022 Events
2 | Donate to the OS.org Fundraiser
18 | OurSeniors Discounts
10 | Crossword Puzzle
11 | OurSeniors Comedy
Health & Wellness
6 | What is Kombucha?
15 | What Are the Benefits of Bee Propolis?
Home & Living
7 | Why We Enjoy Florida Winters
17 | Embracing Technology – Online Communication
16 | Amazing Senior – Lowell Ward
8 | Medicare’s 5-Star Advantage Plans for 2022
13 | Death and Disability Planning
Don’t miss another edition by donating! Visit OurSeniors.org/donate
Disclaimer: The information published in this magazine and our website is intended for residents of the USA. The opinions, beliefs and viewpoints expressed by the various authors in this magazine and on this web site do not necessarily reflect the opinions, beliefs and viewpoints of OurSeniors.net Magazine or official policies of OurSeniors.net Magazine, OurSeniors Radio, OurSeniors Discounts, OurSeniors.org, Inc. and or its related entities. It may contain general information about medical conditions, public and private health service organizations and other third-party information including but not limited to testimonials. The information is not advice (legal, medical or otherwise) and should not be treated as such. Consult your licensed Professional such as Attorney and or Doctor etc. for further advice. No claim is made as to the accuracy, authenticity or completeness of any information and, is often provided in a generalized or summarized format for brevity. OurSeniors.net Magazine, LLC and or its subsidiaries, does not accept any liability for the information (nor for the use of any information) provided by this magazine and or website. The information presented by this magazine and website is provided on the basis that all viewers undertake responsibility for assessing the relevance and accuracy of the data related to their circumstances. Thank you for reading our magazine and visiting www.OurSeniors.net and please contact us if we can be of further assistance. All real estate advertised in OurSeniors.net is subject to the Federal Fair Housing Act. This federal law makes it illegal to advertise any preference, limitation or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status, or national origin, or intention to make any such preferences, limitation, or discrimination. We will not knowingly accept any advertising for real estate which violates the law. All persons are hereby informed that all real estate advertised in OurSeniors.net is available on an equal opportunity basis. Information contained herein has been furnished by community owners, managers and agents. OurSeniors.net and or OurSeniors.online, OurSeniorsDiscounts.net and or OurSeniors.org, Inc. and OurSeniors.net Magazine, LLC do not make any representations as to opinions and facts. All terms and conditions of rentals are subject to change. OurSeniors.net reserves the right to refuse advertising space to anyone deemed unsuitable for placement in this publication. OurSeniors.net, OurSeniors.online, OurSeniorsDiscounts.net and or OurSeniors.org, Inc., and OurSeniors.net Magazine, LLC retains all rights reserved by copyright 2023 OurSeniors.net, and or OurSeniors.net Magazine, LLC. This publication or parts thereof may not be reproduced in any form without the written permission of the publisher. For further Disclaimer information please visit https://ourseniors.net/ and click Disclaimer on the footer of the website. Please note that websites and links are referenced in the magazine and you may have complete access to our online version by visiting. www.ourseniors.net/editions.

Dear Readers, Subscribers and Donors, The New Year is around the corner, or maybe by the time you pick up a copy of this Winter Edition the New Year is here! Regardless, this makes it a great time to both look forward to what is to come and to reflect on the past year. Since January 2021, we have been hard at work revamping the magazine, making adjustments to the website, ramping up the newsletter, and expanding to more counties across Florida. OurSeniors.org is a certified 501(c)(3) nonprofit, which is all part of the family now. With all of
these wonderful things, we have also experienced a few negatives such as the effects of the paper shortage and rising costs of printing. This is not even taking into consideration the effect that COVID 19 has had on this country and the world, including losing family and friends. While it has not been an easy year, which by the way included me personally surviving Covid19, it has been quite rewarding. We have seen many people find our magazine, website and Brunch & Learn gatherings useful. There have also been wonderful moments of seniors being relocated to better living conditions and turning their lives around with the help of our friendly team. Then, we asked you, our readers, to help us through our new fundraiser. This fundraiser started because of the issues we faced during the pandemic and the other issues that have been out of our control. All proceeds are going to our continual expansion of the magazine and ensuring that we stay afloat for next year. It will also go toward our efforts in visiting nursing homes and assisting seniors with relocation needs and the community services that we do throughout the year. We did not reach our lofty goal, but we are still very grateful for all of those who supported us! As of November 28, we have received $11,608, which has steadily climbed since we started in September. We specifically want to call out a few of our Vendors and donors who are loyal readers and great friends:
Colonal Juan Armando
Montes (retired)
Barbara Andersen
Joan & Douglas Wiedman
Jerry & Esther Krueger
Dolores S.
Steve L.
Carol L.
Lowell W.
Vernon W.
Phyllis L.
A One Family Practice
City of Daytona Beach
Friends of Library Access, Inc.
Sun Viking Lodge
Andre’s Automotive
Majestic Gardens
Thank you so much for your support! In this issue, we have lots of new articles for you about senior living, health, and wellness, and much more! There are a few new things we added to this issue, so if you are an avid reader of our magazine, feel free to let us know if you found what those things are and if you enjoy them. We don’t want to spoil it before you start reading, but please let us know if you are liking the magazine and if you have any suggestions for us. Happy New Year to all! Take care, Julian G. Cantillo, L.P.N., President and Founder of OurSeniors.net Magazine PS – Did you know that we are now a certified nonprofit organization? If you want to help out OurSeniors and turn the magazine into a completely free resource for seniors, please consider a donation. Visit www.ourseniors.org/fundraiser for more information!

SCORE, the nation’s largest network of volunteer, expert business mentors, is looking for volunteers in the Central Florida region. This highly respected,
national nonprofit works to elevate small businesses and assists them in getting off the ground, growing and achieving their goals. Many volunteers are senior citizens who devote their time and career expertise to assist small business owners, especially new startups and nonprofits. Skills such as sales and marketing as well as business development are in demand. Since 2020, the Volusia and Flagler counties SCORE chapter alone helped 182 new businesses
get started and devoted 2,865 sessions of time to individuals to mentor them through the process of getting their business going. At the moment, they have 43 volunteers and are in search of more.
Each business is given a mentor that is available full-time to answer questions and provide practical “know-how”. Mentors are also able to help optimize business plans, brainstorm strategies, offer business tools and much more. It is guaranteed that just three hours with a mentor shows higher revenues and increased growth for any business that uses SCORE. SCORE has volunteers of all ages that come from diverse backgrounds. These certified mentors partner with the SBA to bring an array of professional services at no cost to assist small businesses, veterans and nonprofits to blossom in their local communities. There is a special volunteer need right now that would include digital marketing and e-commerce. We want to thank Tony Flores, Cathy Wood and Debbie Reaney, for the support they have provided OurSeniors Magazine. If you’re interested in joining SCORE as a mentor, you can learn more at https://www.score.org/volunteer or call (386) 255-6889 for the VolusiaFlagler chapter. Not in the Volusia-Flagler area? Check here to find your local SCORE chapter: https://www.score.org/find-location or call (800) 634-0245.

Dad is dead! Mom has Parkinson’s, stage 5. She is, unfortunately, unable to talk or walk but she can cry and scream all day long even though it’s as though she’s trapped in her body. Some may understand this pain better than others. When I got word through the assisted living facility that my mom and dad had been living in for several years, it wasn’t until significantly after that they told me about dad’s death.
The reason being? The bills weren’t being paid. Just looking to have the bills paid because they were not getting what was due is what led them to break the news to me! This opening statement of the bills not being paid is very relevant to this letter of praise. It shows how much gratitude was shown to me, given that they have done nothing but take advantage of the situation and combine it with sad news. I hope you will continue to read even though it may seem a bit long, there’s information that you may find helpful as it could offer guidance and comfort toward your current situation or those that you may face in the future. As the oldest, I had to begin understanding the laws, especially since there was no guardian listed in her will, no surrogate for medical purposes, and no financial guardian. Thankfully, my mother’s lawyer was someone I knew. He is no longer practicing so couldn’t help with all of the requirements associated with a responsibility like this one, but he did provide me with a referral that would change not only my mother’s life, but that would restore the hope I had in the system meant to protect my parent’s well-being. This godsent referral connected me with an organization called OurSeniors, which helped me and my mom in so many ways. I had no idea they were going to be such a blessing until it happened but now that I think about all the good things this group has done for us it’s hard not to thank them or at least try. First, the OurSeniors Team put me in contact with a law firm called Chiumento, Dwyer, Hertel, and Grant to prepare documents and help get emergency guardianship for my mother. They later assigned an attorney who could assist us when we needed it most! Next, I looked into how Mom was doing. Her treatment and medical well-being were all that mattered to me but not at all to the facility she lived in. This should have been a huge red flag for me and it should for you as well, as it could indicate there might be an issue with your parents, a significant other, or sibling, etc. It’s important to know what your loved ones are going through because in my case, I discovered things were going very badly. Mom only wanted to go into this specific assisted living facility because my grandparents were already there and being near family was important to her. I, unfortunately, later found out that the place has changed ownership and therefore no longer fits its description as “Not For Profit.” The OurSeniors Team went with me and I was extremely glad they did. The visit to my parents’ home made me emotional about what we saw, but it would have been a much more difficult experience without their supportive guidance through this process. When I discovered my mother was not getting the care she needed and deserved, it was only a matter of time before I knew I needed to move her. I didn’t live in the area so I had no idea where to start so my mother wouldn’t have to endure these issues again. The OurSeniors Team knew exactly what to do. They helped me take the first step and started to research different facilities that would be able to properly care for my mom. Keep in mind, she can’t walk, talk or lift a finger at all. Simply putting it, she needs help with everything. All I wanted was to find a place that would take care of my mother and not just drug her and consider that as proper care. The OurSeniors Team located several places that could be a match for her needs. We screened them and they were able to find the perfect one for mom; out in the country, quiet and peaceful nurses who knew how to treat a patient like her. The OurSeniors team is the best! The team was so kind, helpful, and had a genuine interest in what my mother needed. They even brought me out to review the facility myself, and after they accepted mom I knew she was in good hands. Mom is now in the right place and I truly owe that to OurSeniors, and a man by the name of Julian Cantillo. He honestly should be nominated for sainthood; but if I cannot do that, I can at least let anyone who needs help or guidance for their loved ones know that Julian and the OurSeniors team are the experts that will make a difference for you and your family. Recently, Ms. Carol went to be with Our Lord. Love you, Mom.

Kombucha is a fermented and sweetened tea that is made with specific strains of healthy bacteria, yeast and sugar. The process produces acetic acid (which is also found in vinegar) and several other acidic compounds and trace levels of alcohol and gases that make it carbonated. Don’t be alarmed. The alcohol content in each bottle sold in stores is less than 1% and naturally occurs through the fermentation process. Kombucha Has Been Around for Thousands of Years Kombucha originated in Northeast China (then known as Manchuria) around 220 B.C. It has remained a traditional drink in China and is consumed for its purported health benefits. It’s believed to have gotten its name from Dr. Kombu, a Korean physician who brought the drink to Japan in the 5th century to treat the Japanese emperor. There may be instances of legend in this story, but we do know that by the early 20th century, it spread to Russia, then Germany and other parts of Eastern Europe. It was considered a home folk remedy used to lessen the effects of illness, prevent diseases, and improve overall health. Kombucha’s popularity continued to grow as an elixir of life and several countries and cultures worldwide adopted the drink as a mainstay of human health. Kombucha is now brewed globally and is usually a vital part of numerous diets because of the many health benefits it provides. What Does Kombucha Tea Taste Like? Most people say kombucha tea has a tart and tangy taste with a degree of fizziness that is caused by natural carbonation. Some liken the drink to a tarty sparkling apple cider while others say it tastes like a glass of dry, non alcoholic champagne. Most brands you find at the store or homebrewed batches will have numerous assorted flavors which include fruits and spices. Larger brands will have flavors that range from Apple to Lemon to Watermelon. The Benefits of Adding Kombucha to Your Diet Kombucha is rich in beneficial antioxidants and probiotics. It can also kill harmful bacteria and may help fight several diseases. Here are six detailed and evidence based benefits you will get from adding Kombucha to your diet: 1. It’s a Great Source of Probiotics. Probiotic bacteria are known as the “good” bacteria because they help restore balance to your intestines. They promote gut health by controlling or regulating the cells that move your food through the digestive system. 2. It’s Loaded with Antioxidants. Kombucha also has a ton of antioxidants that protect your cells against free radicals which are molecules naturally produced when your body breaks down food or when you are exposed to tobacco smoke. 3. Kombucha Can Kill Bacteria. During the fermentation process, Kombucha produces acetic acid which can kill harmful and infectious bacteria like staphylococcus, E. coli, salmonella, and H. pylori a type of bacteria that is known to cause ulcers. 4. Kombucha Boosts the Immune System. The digestive system is closely linked to the immune system in your body. Approximately 70% of the immune system is found in the gut. The “good” bacteria in Kombucha can boost the immune system because it aids the intestines in creating antibodies that protect the entire body. 5. It May Reduce the Risk of Heart Disease. There are two markers of heart disease that studies have shown Kombucha can impact in positive ways: LDL and HDL cholesterol. This may be linked to brewing it in a green tea mixture where we know the latter is exceptionally great at protecting LDL particles from oxidation. 6. 7. It May Help Manage Type-2 Diabetes. Studies show that Kombucha slows down the digestion of carbohydrates which subsequently reduces blood sugar levels in adults naturally. Kombucha that is made using green tea is likely to be more beneficial, as the latter is linked to reducing blood sugar levels on its own. There have been other research studies that suggest Kombucha may help prevent the growth and spread of cancer by blocking gene mutation and promoting cancer cell death. How the tea’s anticancer properties work is not yet fully understood, but early studies show a lot of promise. Where You Can Find Kombucha The growing popularity has made Kombucha tea widely available online, in supermarkets, and in health food stores. Some of the most popular brands include Health-Ade, KeVita, and Humm, among several other high-quality flavored brands that bring all the benefits that come with this healthy drink. It can be purchased at www.walmart.com. One can also make Kombucha at home. Many brands sell their SCOBYs (symbiotic culture of bacteria and yeast disc commonly called a “mother” or “mushroom”) online either through company websites or major online retailers like Amazon.com. SCOBYs can also be found at select health food stores. SCOBYs are weird-looking – they are rubbery, slippery and they
float. Some people decide to make their SCOBYs at home and can find processes and recipes on the web or in homebrewing guides. You are probably familiar with the phrase “You get what you pay for” and it applies to where you get your SCOBYs from. There is a long tradition of passing SCOBYs along, which can be a great option if you connect with a friend or local homebrewer. Fermenting a SCOBY with either a green or black tea is a straightforward process and can produce a batch of Kombucha in 7 – 10 days. A simple process can be found here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iP1L_u4kiNE, a brief 6-minute guide that takes you through the first fermentation. Specialty websites even sell or recommend gallon jars, mason jars, and detailed ingredient lists and instructions to make guide novices and enthusiasts through every step. Supplements and vitamins can be great, but please consult your physician before beginning a new supplement.

Christmas in Florida. What do we love about it? The better question is, what’s not to love? Christmas joy without the hazards of snow and ice, the ability to wear shorts and sandals while putting up your outdoor decorations, and the delicious taste of Christmas cookies by the pool or on the beach. Shall we even say more? Since there’s so much to brag about when it comes to winter and the holidays in Florida, we are going to dive a bit deeper into what has us as residents and our visitors so happy about the upcoming season! No Snow in Florida and That’s How We Like It No snow means no road closures (aside from everything not related to snow, of course). This also means no hazardous obstacles on the roads caused by ice and snow accumulation. Not only that, but our cars here in Florida will often last longer and require less maintenance because we don’t experience the conditions that prolonged cold weather and its effects have on vehicles. You also won’t see too much winter road rage in Florida. If that’s not enough of an upside for you let’s just go ahead and think about the shoveling. While many people will have to shovel snow this winter, Florida residents can relax and not worry about where their shovel is, if they even own one. Not only is safety a huge benefit to living in Florida during the wintertime especially, if you are an avid driver, the low temperatures just make it that much more comfortable to remain active outside. The thing is, we don’t have to choose what to do between seasons because we can often do all the things that we love year-round. Think about it this way, if there’s snow on the ground, you’re probably not in Florida. The Holidays Are That Much More Enjoyable If it doesn’t snow in Florida, how can the holiday seasons be so much more enjoyable? Well, you don’t need snow to enjoy the holidays or the winter season itself. In Florida, we have unique and fun traditions and some of the best decorations that you could come across. Who needs a Blue Spruce Christmas tree when you have palm trees on every corner? Instead of slipping and falling on real snow, we usually create our snow flurries, if we need them. Not to mention that building a sandman instead of a snowman or seeing Santa Claus arrive by a shrimp boat instead of a sleigh is unique fun in itself. If you have boxes of lights that you want to put up for the holidays, you don’t have to worry about bundling up and steadying yourself on a ladder in snow that is already on the ground. We can often wear flipflops throughout the year and if we want to see light elsewhere, we can easily view them at different parks and gardens throughout the state. It’s usually warm enough that participating in outdoor events and outdoor light shows without the use of hand warmers is possible. Another upside is the ability to spend Christmas at the beach. There is something so settling and relaxing about hearing the ocean hitting the sandy shores on Christmas Day. What Can You Do In Florida During Winter? With Florida having mild winters, you will never be limited when it comes to finding things to do. You will still have the options to visit theme parks, camp out on the beach, pick fresh fruit, and even surf without a full-body wetsuit. You don’t have to adapt to the weather too much because the temperatures are usually comfortable day and night. One of the main differences that you will notice between Florida and other places that experience more harsh Winters is that of different types of closures. In Florida, you won’t experience theme parks closing for almost half the year, and you don’t have to worry about your fruit trees dying
because the weather is too cold. It’s safe to say that you get the best of both worlds when it comes to Winter in Florida. You get all the perks of winter and its holidays, just without the cold that usually goes along with it in other places. We Love Winters Here and So Do Others If you live in Florida, you know the perks of being here during the winter. That goes to say that Florida residents aren’t the only ones aware of the benefits of being here during the winter months. We might have to share our wonderful weather and unlimited amenities across the state with others. That’s okay though because we get to enjoy the same perks year-round without having to adjust too much to the different seasons.

Each year, October brings the new star ranking tables for Medicare Advantage (Part C) plans and Part D Prescription Drug plans. These rankings are published by the CMS, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid, and are intended to give consumers a way to judge the quality of patient care each plan provides. This system assigns a quality score to Medicare Advantage organizations, rating them on a five-star scale. The best plans receive a five-star rating. Occasionally, you will see a TV commercial or a flier proclaiming the “Five-Star Rating” given to one plan or another. However, for the most part, Medicare patients are not well informed about this system. This is unfortunate because it gives consumers some idea of how each of the Advantage plans available to them has performed. Here are some important points to remember about the Advantage plan star ratings- • The star ratings are assigned based on data collected by the CMS during the past year. The CMS has no interest in any of these plans. • Factors taken into account include maintaining health, chronic disease management, members’ reported experience and complaints, and non-medical customer service. The CMS relies on data about vaccination rates, diabetes care, availability of eye exams, number of patients leaving the plan and other measurements to determine these rankings. • The star ranking process is repeated each year, so Advantage plans must continue to provide top-quality service to keep a five-star rating. • Medicare patients are free to move to a five star rated Advantage plan at any time. Many changes in Medicare coverage must be made during a specified enrollment period, but moving to a five star rated Advantage plan is an exception. • Advantage plans are available in most, but not all, locations. Rural and thinly populated areas are less likely to have them. You could go to the Medicare.gov website, search your zip code, then pick out the high-ranking plans. To make this easier, OurSeniors.Net has done it for seniors in our distribution areas. In each county, we have listed the Advantage plans ranked five-stars by the latest CMS tracking program (October 2021 release). This is the kind of useful and up-todate information seniors need, and it is just what we do at OurSeniors.Net. We focus on this in both the OurSeniors.Net website and in the printed magazine. It’s what we do! Now, here is what we foundIn Central Florida Distribution Area: Flagler County • Cigna Preferred Savings Medicare (HMO) from Cigna | Plan ID: H5410-026-0 • Cigna Preferred Savings Medicare (HMO) from Cigna | Plan ID: H5410-028-0 Orange County • CareOne PLUS (HMO-POS) from CarePlus Health Plans, Inc. | Plan ID: H1019-057-0 • CareFree (HMO) from CarePlus Health Plans, Inc. | Plan ID: H1019-092-0 • CareOne PLATINUM (HMO) from CarePlus Health Plans, Inc. | Plan ID: H1019-112-0 • Cigna Preferred Medicare (HMO) from Cigna | Plan ID: H5410-024-0 • Cigna Preferred Savings Medicare (HMO from) Cigna | Plan ID: H5410-026-0 Osceola County • CareOne PLUS (HMO-POS) from CarePlus Health Plans, Inc. | Plan ID: H1019-057-0 • CareFree (HMO) from CarePlus Health Plans, Inc. | Plan ID: H1019-092-0 • CareOne PLATINUM (HMO) from CarePlus Health Plans, Inc. | Plan ID: H1019-112-0 • Cigna Preferred Medicare (HMO) from Cigna | Plan ID: H5410-024-0 • Cigna Preferred Savings Medicare (HMO) from Cigna | Plan ID: H5410-026-0 Polk County • CareOne PLUS (HMO) from CarePlus Health Plans, Inc. | Plan ID: H1019-103-1 • CareFree (HMO) from CarePlus Health Plans, Inc. | Plan ID: H1019-104-1 • Cigna Preferred Medicare (HMO) from Cigna | Plan ID: H5410-024-0 • Cigna Preferred Savings Medicare (HMO) from Cigna | Plan ID: H5410-026-0 Seminole County • CareOne PLUS (HMO-POS) from CarePlus Health Plans, Inc. | Plan ID: H1019-057-0 • CareFree (HMO) from CarePlus Health Plans, Inc. | Plan ID: H1019-092-0 • CareOne PLATINUM (HMO) from CarePlus Health Plans, Inc. | Plan ID: H1019-112-0 • Cigna Preferred Medicare (HMO) from Cigna | Plan ID: H5410-024-0 • Cigna Preferred Savings Medicare (HMO) from Cigna | Plan ID: H5410-026-0 St Johns County • No five-star plans are listed. Volusia County • CareOne PLUS (HMO) from CarePlus Health Plans, Inc. | Plan ID: H1019-098-0 • CareFree (HMO) from CarePlus Health Plans, Inc. | Plan ID: H1019-099-0 • Cigna Preferred Medicare (HMO) from Cigna | Plan ID: H5410-027-0 • Cigna Preferred Savings Medicare (HMO) from Cigna | Plan ID: H5410-028-0 Remember to share this information with friends, family and those that may be getting ready to qualify for Medicare and or looking for options.

Not to be too cliché, but we all know the years take their toll on each of us. If we’re lucky, we stay healthy and independent, but for many people that simply is not reality. As health fails, we may need someone to help us do the things we can no longer do for ourselves. That person may be a spouse, child, sibling, friend, or professional healthcare worker. How that person exercises authority on your behalf depends, in part, on their relationship to you and whether the appropriate documents are in place. The basic documents everyone needs in the event of disability or death are a Durable Power of Attorney (“DPOA”), Health Care Surrogate Designation (“HCSD”), Living Will, and a Last Will and Testament (“Will”),. Without those documents the options for how someone else can help you if you become disabled, or what happens at your death, are limited. For health care purposes, if you cannot speak for yourself your doctors will likely turn to your next of kin to make medical decisions for you. If you are okay with your spouse, child, or sibling making those decisions for you, then that’s fine. However, if you want someone specific looking out for you then you need to have an HCSD in place. Further, if you do not want someone else making end-of-life decisions for you, you need a Living Will stating your desire to be made comfortable and let nature take its course when the end is near. For financial and legal purposes, no one is going to listen to your next of kin. For that you need a DPOA appointing someone to act as your agent, because without that appointment your family will need to have you declared legally disabled by a court and institute a guardianship. A guardianship can be beneficial, especially if there are trust issues amongst the family, but it can also be burdensome because it imposes a degree of court supervision over your life. For example, your guardian must submit reports to the court periodically regarding your medical and financial status, and major decisions regarding your person or property require court approval. A DPOA can avoid most of the burdens of a guardianship because your agent has the authority to conduct all your financial and legal affairs on your behalf. And under Florida’s DPOA statute your agent can even create a trust for you, modify your life insurance or retirement account beneficiaries, handle your email or other digital assets, and apply for Medicaid benefits. The DPOA gives your agent significant powers, so it’s important to choose the person you trust most to wield those powers intelligently and honestly. It’s also important to name a backup agent if you can, because without a backup your family is forced to take the guardianship route if something happens to your primary agent and you are not able to name a new one. Finally, when the end does come, as it must for all of us, if you do not have a properly executed Will then Florida law will control who inherits your estate, and your family will have to conduct an intestate probate proceeding for your individually owned property. Assets you owned jointly with another, especially those owned jointly with your spouse, will generally pass to the survivor automatically. However, if you have any assets owned only by you and there is no beneficiary named for them, like a bank account with no pay-on-death designee, a probate court will have to rule on who owns it now. Florida law lays out a line of succession for your heirs. A surviving spouse usually gets it all unless you have children from another relationship, in which case the spouse gets half and the children get half. If there is no spouse, then your children inherit the estate. If there are no children, then your parents, if alive, receive the estate. If there are no living parents, then your surviving siblings inherit, and so on. A properly executed Will cannot avoid probate for individually owned assets, but it can say who inherits those assets and how they get to own them. The Will can say your spouse receives everything, but it all gets held in a trust so that upon your spouse’s death the remaining assets pass to your children from a prior marriage. The Will can specify that only certain of your children inherit if you want to leave someone out, or it can create a trust for a child with special needs or dependency issues. If you have young children the Will can also name a guardian for them if you die before they reach adulthood. Without a Will, it’s all up to Florida law and the courts. The basic documents described here are the essentials of an estate plan. Depending on the complexity of your estate additional documents may be called for, such as a revocable trust. If you may need long-term care and Medicaid to pay for it, a Medicaid Asset Protection Trust may be advisable. If you have questions or concerns, please talk to an attorney who practices in estate planning. There is much information on the Internet, and there is also much misinformation, so please be wary and talk to a professional to help you prepare your estate planning documents.

Why do people move into senior or retirement communities? As people age, they sometimes need some help to be able to live on their own. The housing market can be a confusing place today. Modular homes, manufactured homes, condominiums… there are so many options. One option that is growing in popularity is living in senior communities. The reasons are pretty obvious. When you are living in a larger community with other senior citizens, you no longer have to deal with many of the responsibilities that you have today. The packing, loading and moving are all done for you. You don’t even need to worry about home repairs because your new community will likely have maintenance staff that can deal with problem areas right away. Many people aren’t sure if they should investigate this type of move or not. But if you’re curious about this option, keep reading because we’ve got a lot more helpful information coming to you. Moving Has Its Upsides Most seniors are the happiest right where they are, but if a senior is finding it impossible to live independently then it may be time to move to a senior community. There are significant benefits to moving into a senior community. The activities are almost endless, the food is healthy, and best of all you can take advantage of moving companionship. The need for senior housing and its benefits has increased over the years as the population of both millennials and baby boomers increases. Senior communities present a community setting and advantageous access to services and amenities that can fill the needs of today’s seniors. A significant benefit is getting help with tasks that you can’t do alone. When it comes to moving into this type of community, you’ll notice that they are specifically designed to give you the most out of the lifestyle that you may want to have. With that being said, we can’t forget to mention the multiple benefits for the families of seniors as well. Some of those benefits could be: • Peace of mind • More time with loved ones • Fewer worries about health, finances, and housing • New friendships • More opportunities for
grandparenting • Time to pursue personal interests • A sense of safety and security Senior communities, similar to assisted living facilities, provide a safe and secure environment for older adults to enjoy life without worrying about their limited mobility or healthcare-related problems. This is where the major appeal comes in for most seniors and their loved ones. Learn to Maintain Your Independence In A Safe Environment One commonly heard myth about senior communities is that you lose control of your independence. The opposite is true. In a senior community, you control everything! Yes, you can control what you eat. If you don’t like the menu, you can skip it. If you have a roommate and you don’t like them, you can move. If you don’t like the activities, you don’t have to participate. No, there is no “forced fun.” Of course, if you have certain medical conditions or a medication schedule and need help keeping track of it, that is what staff is there for. This is something that you would make them aware of early on but if not, most everything is in your power. How To Find The Right Senior Community Here is a question you rarely hear; “Would you like to live in a large, comfortable, home-like setting with a vibrant, interesting group of older residents, with caring, professional staff, in a location where public transportation is convenient and in a community that has a lot to offer?” The answer will almost always be a general yes. Seniors who move into these communities find themselves surrounded by eager new friends and people you can get to know and share parts of your life with. You’ll have access to transportation, shopping, health care, and other services. You can also enjoy new freedoms and opportunities, and a chance to try new activities or pursue new interests. So how do you find a place like this, while sticking to what you need most? The trick is pretty simple, just think about what you want and what you need. Start with the things that you need. Assess your current health status, if you have any issues with mobility, determine how active you are, and how active you want to remain. Some of these things will play into what you want as well. For example, if you exercise avidly you may know that you need to have a gym nearby. You may also realize that you want to have instructor-led exercise classes available to you, bike paths, and maybe even a pool for morning laps or water aerobics if that’s your thing. As you look at the facilities, keep in mind how important each thing is to you and create a list of priorities labeled from most important, to least important. If you want a friendly community that has a good social life and is convenient to family and friends, these are things that you should add to your priority list. The same thing goes for location if you want to remain reasonably close to family members. Finding a senior community to move into can be as simple as moving anywhere else. A Start To Something New Think about it this way, the main difference is that you will be able to have everything that you want and need in one place, you won’t be responsible for maintenance, and you’ll have help nearby when/if you need it. Senior communities could be the start of something new. Before making any decisions, try talking with family or friends and then get started finding the place that offers not only peace of mind, but everything that piques your interests and your passions. Don’t know where to begin call OurSeniors Team at 386-204-4500 or you may also call Majestic Gardens at 386-243-9993 to schedule a tour.

What Exactly Is Bee Propolis? Bee propolis is another compound bees produce besides honey. It’s basically bee glue! They use sap and buds from evergreen, poplar, and needle-leaved trees, and combine it with their saliva and beeswax to create a greenish-brown or dark brown sealant used to build, coat, and seal their hives (bees really are industrious creatures). Bees use propolis for several things including protection against pathogens due to its anti-fungal and anti-bacterial properties and keeping bee colonies functional throughout their yearly cycle. What Bee Propolis Can Do For You People have been using bee propolis for thousands of years. Uses range from healing wounds, fighting infection, and reducing itching and scratching. Many cultures have used it as a remedy for cancer, osteoporosis and tuberculosis. Today, bee propolis is used in several products including cosmetics, skin creams, lozenges and ointments. It’s currently being studied in its uses as a dental sealant and tooth enamel hardener. Research studies have identified over 300 compounds in bee propolis, the majority of which are antioxidants that fight disease. Of the many antioxidants found in bee propolis are flavonoids which are also found in fruits, green tea, vegetables and red wine, all food items that are known to be rich in antioxidant properties. While extensive research on the bee propolis is limited, its traditional uses have led many to believe that it is an effective product in protecting against many types of bacteria, fungi and viruses. The most notable studies have pointed out that adding bee propolis is a great way to supplement health. Bee Propolis and Covid-19 Covid-19 has become a household name that has sparked confusion, frustration and anger among many other things for all of us in these nearly 2 years since the virus was first reported in the U.S. And in that time there has been a lot of conflicting info about the kinds of precautions one should take to stay safe. But there is growing evidence that Bee Propolis can help those that have been infected by the virus to feel better in a matter of days. For decades, research has shown that bee propolis, among other honeybee products, show ample antiviral activity against pathogens that cause severe respiratory syndromes, including those that caused Covid-19. Since there are no specific antivirals against Covid19, using natural products that are known to help induce antibody production, maturation of immune cells, and stimulation of immune responses. People who have been with Covid-19 and do not have any of the severe symptoms that warrant medical attention have been able to recover quicker and have felt fewer symptoms in a few days. This includes instances where taste buds and breathing returned to normal. Bee Propolis is an immune booster and a remedy that can help you fend off the effects of Covid19, but it won’t protect you from getting the virus if you have not combined it with recommended safety precautions such as social distancing, hand washing, and mask-wearing. Where You Can Find Bee Propolis Bee Propolis made for consumption comes in raw whole chunks, in soft gel capsules, as a liquid extract, or as a throat spray that are available in nutrition, vitamin and supplement stores, online marketplaces, and large chain pharmacies. There are several reputable brands, including Beekeeper’s Naturals, Sunyata, and Pon Lee among many others. Considering the many health benefits of Bee Propolis, in boosting the antioxidants in our bodies and the impact they have in protecting us from several diseases, it is a great dietary supplement. Supplements and vitamins can be great, but please consult your physician before beginning a new supplement. Natural products like Bee Propolis are great for health and possess little to no side effects for most people. At OurSeniors.net we are always looking out for the best products to enhance the quality of life for the senior community. Check out our other articles for more insightful information to help you and your loved ones lead happier and fuller lives.

Having turned 95 on November 25 this year, Lowell Ward is truly an inspiration. Born in Iroquois, South Dakota, growing up during the Great Depression and serving in the Navy, he has a wealth of firsthand knowledge and experiences that most Americans only read about in books. Speaking of books, Lowell has written one, “Fragments, A Novel”, which is a brilliant fiction that shows his creativity and imagination. You can find it on Amazon. A Navy man for much of his young adult years, he volunteered for submarine service in New London, Connecticut which was a very stressful experience that many failed to complete. He was assigned to the USS Sterlet and USS Razorback, which is now at a memorial park in Little Rock, Arkansas. The USS Razorback was once bought by the Turkish navy in the 60’s but 40 years later, the state of Arkansas bought it back for $1. It was towed across the ocean to New Orleans and then by river to Little Rock where it is now in a memorial park for people to visit. Lowell went back with his son Tom and he “cried like a baby seeing his old ship,” Tom said. Upon returning from the war, he was walking down main street Montevideo, Minnesota, and asked his sister, Audrey (who is still alive at 97), who she thinks is the prettiest girl in town. Audrey pointed out Suzanne Crandall across the street and said, “there she is”. At that moment, Lowell found the love of his life. During this time, he started college on the GI bill at Macalester College where he received his four year degree and subsequently got a job working for the state of Minnesota. Around the mid-60s, he returned to college to get his master’s degree at Florida State University (where his love of Florida began) for advancement purposes.
Lowell and Suzanne raised three boys, Douglas, Thomas, and Richard, who gave them four grandchildren and eight grandchildren. Retiring at the earliest possible point, they decided to move to Ft. Lauderdale, Florida and joined Lowell’s sister there. Not retired for too long, they decided to work with her to run an apartment complex for ten years as an extra source of income. Once that ended, they moved to the Villages in Central Florida with her and bought homes next to each other. When he is not spending time with family, Lowell has many hobbies. His most interesting hobby is that as a collector of casino chips as well as newspapers from major events in America. Many of these collections have been given to his great-grandson, Sam, who is named after his father. Above everything, Lowell has had a great life and feels lucky enough to live through 95 years of watching his family grow and seeing the world change. He looks forward to many more years of it.

Embracing technology is a great move for seniors as it will often provide better chances at being more efficient with day-to-day tasks, allows the chance to develop new hobbies, and even increases your ability to communicate with family and friends. The question is how many seniors are missing out on the benefits of technology because they may not know how to use it or don’t feel comfortable using it? There are multiple reasons why seniors or anyone for that matter should embrace technology and a few of those reasons are to improve your safety, connect with family and friends, entertainment, and the sheer convenience of it. Finding ways to make using technology more simple can often lead to finding the joy that it brings. Here we will give you the main reasons why you should embrace technology, how it can help you in your day-to-day life, we will explain exactly what it is, and even give you some of the best tools for online communication and overall usage. It may seem daunting at first but with the benefits that it has to offer, the obstacles are easy to overcome. Continue reading to find out everything that you need to know about technology and why you need to incorporate it into your life. What Is Online Communication and How Can I Embrace It? Online communication is simply a way to communicate with people over a computer network. This could include email, video chats, social networking sites, or even chat rooms. Communicating online is an effortless way to connect with people or to send and receive information. When you have no choice but to communicate with family or friends from a distance, embracing online communication and technology, in general, can make a significant difference in the social aspect of your life. There is no sort of technology that can replace interacting with your loved ones in person but technology has come remarkably close with multiple options for online communications whether it’s as simple as a FaceTime call through your cell phone, a video call through Skype, or Zoom, interacting live through a smart home device or even connecting with family through virtual reality options. Certain technology can offer seniors the opportunity to communicate with their families online. Technologically based tools can also offer great improvement of the lives of people that may be bound to their homes or across the country from who they want to communicate with. One of the largest benefits of modern technology is how simple and affordable it can be as many phone and technology companies have created applications that can be used just for digital communications. Having online communication as an option can help seniors alleviate symptoms or feelings of depression and isolation and can also be great for seniors that live alone. How Can It Help Me? It’s a fact that seniors who communicate with others whether they’re family or not regularly are generally more happy and healthy. Seniors who utilize online communications will have lower rates of developing chronic illnesses as well as less of a chance of exhibiting symptoms of anxiety or depression as we have mentioned. You may also notice an increase in your cognitive health as well as longevity. Aside from the health benefits that utilizing online communications can offer there are also other major benefits that you will experience from embracing technology. • Socialization You know that technology gives you multiple ways to stay social. Whether it’s a simple phone call, a video call, or a group chat with friends you can stay as social as ever without leaving your home. It is great to have this option because some people may not have the choice to leave their home and in uncertain times such as during a public health crisis, being up to date on how to effectively use technology can be of great benefit to seniors. • Safety Embracing technology can alleviate some of the pressure to feel safe and secure. There are some forms of online communication where you can press a button, a sequence of buttons, or say a phrase to immediately alert 911 or family members if you ever find yourself needing assistance. You can also control cameras and security systems with smart devices and communicate with people through those same devices regardless of whether you’re at home or out of town. • Complete convenience No one can deny the convenience that technology offers. You can easily opt into tele healthcare and have your doctor’s appointments from the comfort of your own home while easily speaking to your primary care physician from your living room. You can use online communication to order dinner, host virtual book clubs or movie nights, talk with all of your grandchildren at once, or even play a game of checkers or cards with an old friend that lives across the country. • Encouragement to exercise Many smart devices, websites, or online applications offer free fitness content including exercise classes. You can easily turn your living room into your home gym for an hour if you wanted to do so. • The fun of it Technology can have a fun aspect to it. You don’t have to just use it to communicate with family and friends, you can use it for your personal use. A great example of this could be an Alexa or Google smart home device. These devices often offer plugins or applications that can be used to play games solo, they can read books to you or even play music. It is also a great way to play games with people who have the same device regardless of their location. What Are Some Of The Best Tools For Communicating Online? There are a few applications that seniors will find particularly useful when it comes to using online connections for communication. Skype is one of the best applications for video chat and can be accessed through your smartphone, personal computer, or tablet. It’s simple to use and allows you to talk with anyone virtually anywhere. Amazon and Google smart home devices are also great tools for communicating online as they can be multipurpose and can sit anywhere in your home. Smart home devices are great to have because you can easily talk to family and friends without having to hold a device in your hands. As for other apps based on video chat you may also benefit from trying zoom, Google Duo, Discord, or FaceTime. The good thing about using smart devices or other tools for online communication is that many of these devices and applications are quite easy to troubleshoot and if you come across a problem you can just ask the device your question and oftentimes it will give you an answer. This is an immensely helpful feature for seniors as some technology may be hard to use or navigate. Being Aware Is The First Step To Acceptance More seniors are embracing technology and experiencing the benefits of doing so. Using technology for online communication can bring you closer to your families, improve your health, and can oftentimes present you with the opportunity to take on new hobbies. The important thing to know is that we never know when we may need to get in contact with someone, when we might need help with something, or what we might need help with. Embracing technology now will make certain tasks easier in the future. Being aware of the challenges and benefits of technology is the first step to embracing it. If you have come this far, why not reap the benefits of what all communication-based technology has to offer?

Our mission at OurSeniors is to be the go-to resource for senior citizens in Florida that will research the right vendors for any service. We want to make sure that seniors are not ripped off by people who take advantage of the vulnerable. If we can help even just one person, we are happy. Knowing that we diverted a bad situation, which has happened many times, is what keeps us growing and expanding our services around Florida. We are now in 25 counties with a distribution of more than 130,000 and have an online presence with an even larger reach. If you are a subscriber with OurSeniors, you know that we provide a variety of resources with advice from professionals like doctors, dentists, contractors and other experts in their fields. Our magazine and website provide articles free of charge and we also have an email newsletter that includes newsworthy items and advice. Our Brunch & Learn events have panel discussions with individuals who are knowledgeable in what they do and want to give free information to seniors. There are many outlets where you can find information and we enjoy providing it. OurSeniors.org also works to assist seniors by visiting those living in nursing homes and providing immediate and continuing care and comfort for those that are isolated. Knowing that only 5 to 10 percent of all seniors in nursing homes, rehabs and assisted living facilities receive visitors, the team tries to change this by gathering gifts, blankets, jackets, stuffed animals and cookies to make them feel cared for. Any donation would help us tremendously as we continue to produce the magazine and provide free resources to seniors across Florida. Please visit https://www.ourseniors.org/fundraiser/ to see more about what you can do to help or call at 800-647-0868.