Fostering a child is one of the most wonderful things anyone can do. It takes love and dedication, hard work and patience. It is not easy—it can be exhausting, even heartbreaking, but it is rewarding and wonderful to know that you have changed the life of a child, that you have given them the warmth of a home and the love of a family.
There is a foster care crisis in the Central Florida area. There are many children who need care but not enough foster parents to give it. Those who are already involved often need assistance and support, and those who want to help may not know where to begin. Hogue Ministries can help.
Hogue Ministries is a registered 501(c)3 nonprofit organization in Ormond Beach, FL. Their mission is to “engage, equip, and empower the Christian community to care for foster children and support families who do.” While Hogue doesn’t train foster parents directly—only state and local agencies are permitted to do that—they work with local churches and groups to help support foster parents in the congregation.
In partnership with COMPACT Family Services, Hogue works with Christian organizations and churches to “provide services and resources that help churches redeem vulnerable families and children.” This includes abused, neglected and abandoned children in the foster care system.
Hogue Ministries exists thanks to the hard work and enduring faith of Steve and Sandra Hogue, who have been full-time missionaries for over 20 years. The bulk of their work centers around children, young people, and outreach. They definitely practice what they preach—the Hogue’s have fostered 18 children, 10 of which they adopted. They want to spread their message so that more children can be helped:
They desire to see churches awakened to the biblical mandate of James 1:27, to care for the orphan in their time of need. Their passion is to see the Orphan Spirit broken as they encounter the love of the Father.
The Hogue’s have a Facebook page, Instagram feed and YouTube Channel to help keep people informed of their work, and they often come to Central Florida area churches to speak with people who wish to know more. In Fall 2018, for example, they will be in Jacksonville, New Smyrna Beach, Orange Park, and Oviedo.
Hogue Ministries is an nonprofit, and we are happy to have their organization as part of our directory for Our Seniors. To learn more about Steve and Sandra, or to support their cause through a tax-deductible donation, visit their website.