SavOn Global Meds sells branded and generic prescription medication sourced from overseas at a discounted price. They find the lowest drug prices among pharmacies made in Australia, Canada, India, New Zealand, Turkey, and the UK. The same patented brands that are sold in the U.S. are sourced from these places and sold at a fraction of the retail cost here and often below insurance co-pays. Medications are delivered to the homes of customers, which reduces costs all around.
How SavOn works is you request the medications that you are prescribed and if it is approved, the medications get shipped and sent straight to your home within three weeks and in bulk for three months. This gives peace of mind to those who do not want to visit the pharmacy during this time.
For more information about SavOn Global Meds, call 561-250-8251 or 866-435-7650 or visit Savon Global Meds.