Letter To Readers – Fall 2023

Letter To Readers - Fall 2023 - Slider

To All OurSeniors Readers, Subscribers, Vendors, and Donors,

Are you looking to feel a sense of belonging, the satisfaction of helping others, and the feeling of being part of something bigger than yourself? These are the things that we offer our readers and supporters when they get involved with OurSeniors.net.

Seniors are often subject to significant feelings of loneliness and isolation, as well as high rates of depression. A lot of this has to do with being far from family, not having any family and close relationships, and not having any form of support. What voice do these seniors have? What advocacy do they have access to if they aren’t actively seeking it?

These are the questions that the OurSeniors.net team asks every day. It’s why we do what we do. With everything that we publish, coordinate, and host, our mission is to raise awareness of the issues that seniors face and to present useful ideas that could positively affect this population. As we head further toward the holiday season, this becomes even more important.

Family Time As the Holidays Approach…

The holiday season brings feelings of warmth excitement, and closeness. However, this isn’t the case for everyone — especially those who don’t get to spend time with family. Time with family improves mental health, promotes more resilience, and helps to boost confidence.

This is true for people of any age but is extremely important for older adults. The holidays are the perfect time to enjoy close relationships with family, friends, and other acquaintances. The benefits are undeniable for those who spend a lot of time alone during other parts of the year.

We would like to encourage you to reach out to extended family any time you get the chance, to volunteer in your community, and to reach out to the OurSeniors.net team if you want to become more involved in the lives of seniors in your area.

Our Life Line

Donating to a good cause — one that you believe in and support, and that benefits those in need — can give us a sense of belonging. It can make donors feel more involved in the initiatives they support and closer to the people on the receiving end of their donation. Donating isn’t only something seen as a monetary benefit.

Donors are truly the lifeline of nonprofit organizations because their support is how a nonprofit can operate day-to-day and keep their resources free to the public. With that, we want to thank you for all you have done for OurSeniors.net, and what you continuously do.

As we aim for our goals, we take pride in knowing that we have a community behind us that wants to see our goals met just as badly as our team does. To get a view of where we are in our current endeavor(s) and how you can donate, find out more at OurSeniors.org.

-As always, you as a reader are part of everything that we achieve, and that will never go unnoticed.

OurSeniors.net Team

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