Jim Houpt has lived and experience a full and interesting life. Mr. Houpt was born in Pennsylvania over 80 years ago. After attending Zion Bible College in Rhode Island, he pastored several churches for more than 30 years, did a live radio talk show and started a UHF TV station which did religious programming. He was also elected to the Missionary Cabinet of his denomination’s national office. Jim and his wife moved to Port Orange in the 1980’s.
Along the way, he wrote 21 books about history and genealogy, the latest being “In His Own Words,” a chronicle of American colonial history centering on Franklin County, Pennsylvania, during the French and Indian War. The principal source for the book is an actual diary kept by a Scotch-Irish immigrant, James McCullough. The blank diary was purchased by McCullough on the day he and his family departed his native Ireland, bound for America in 1747. He maintained the narrative until his death in 1781 and it makes absorbing reading about a time when Pennsylvania was America’s frontier.
Jim had taken an interest in art at a young age but had allowed it to lapse while he was pastoring and writing. After retiring, his artistic side resurfaced and he began painting, first in oils and then in acrylics. He now maintains a studio in his own home and has a sizable collection. After so many years of working, writing and pastoring, Jim had a house full of paintings and memories. He was beginning to wonder how he was going to handle the downsizing and possible moving that would eventually come.
One day, while in his car, Jim happened across a radio show that featured Julian Cantillo, the president and founder of Finding Assisted Living and FindingAssistedLiving.com. He did not catch the names while driving, but Jim Houpt is not the kind of man who gives up easily. Instead of forgetting it, Jim called the radio station and was referred to Finding Assisted Living, an organization that exists to serve the needs of seniors as they transition into new lifestyles.
Since then, Finding Assisted Living has been working with Jim to meet the many challenges that must be met in moving to a senior lifestyle. Jim Houpt is an educated, experienced man with many years of know-how in dealing with people from parishioners to publishers. But like most of us, he cannot be an expert in all of the many facets of building a successful retirement. That is why Finding Assisted Living and FindingAssistedLiving.com exist; it is a network of highly-skilled professionals and businesses geared to solving senior life problems.
Right now, Finding Assisted Living is working with Jim Houpt to put together a plan that will help him transition when the time comes. This might involve professionals in real estate, tax and estate planning, medicine and numerous other fields. Likewise, you may be wondering where to turn to find help in solving the many problems and anxieties involved in a senior life transition. For help, please contact Finding Assisted Living at their website FindingAssistedLiving.com or by phoning 866-333-2657.