About 50 years ago this week, the world was celebrating the safe return of the Apollo 11 crew from their moon landing mission. It seemed impossible that a man had walked on the moon. Almost everybody remembers the name Neil Armstrong, the first person to set foot on the moon, but do you remember the names of the other crew members? Answers are below.
While we are playing, do you remember this number one hit from that week 50 years ago – “In the Year 2525?” It seemed to be looking forward to an uncertain future. Can you recall the duo who recorded the song? Hint- they never had another hit. Answer is below.
Meanwhile, take a minute to think of the future.
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Now, Here are the Answers! – Command module pilot, Michael Collins flew the orbiting Apollo spacecraft above the moon as Buzz Aldrin accompanied Neil Armstrong to the lunar surface. Back on earth, the duo of Zager and Evans enjoyed their number one hit, “In the Year 2525.” They never had another song on the top 100 list, but “In the Year 2525” has appeared in several films and TV shows.