I’m going to let you in on a little secret; YOU hold the key to the absolute best stress reducer of all time: your leisure activities. Surprised, aren’t you?
A 2015 study conducted by The Society of Behavioral Medicine documented the physical and mental benefits of engaging in a hobby or leisure activity of choice. Findings indicated, of the 115 participating adults, those who engaged in a hobby were 34% less stressed and 18% happier during the activity. Furthermore, their heart rates lowered and stayed calmer long after the activity was over (any activity).
Today’s fast-paced, global and technological society might find a hobby as a quaint, adorable past-time of yesteryear; certainly not needed with a smart phone in hand. But, as they say, what goes around comes around and having a hobby has proven benefits for sustaining a happy, healthy life.
Outdoor activities such as dancing, hiking or gardening are literal forms of exercise that lower blood pressure, cortisol, waist circumference, and body mass index. A cognitive activity, such as journaling, reading or blogging, improves mental function and memory retention. Activities that require strategy, such as chess or brainteasers, further improve the brain. The mere act of enjoying any of these activities lowers depression and general malaise.
You can easily get lost in your hobby creating active flow. If you’ve ever noticed how time flies when you’re having fun? That’s active flow. Hobbies also get you out and about affording a sense of connection within your community. Hobbies produce a feeling of satisfaction, a sense of purpose and allow you to structure your time. They can bring about a feeling of enrichment, well-roundedness and provide a layered, active life. Occupied in a hobby can be a meditative experience while you’re “in the zone” living “in the moment”. Hobbies allow you to focus your mental energies on something outside of yourself reinvigorating the rest of your day. You can also pay it forward becoming an inspiration for others to follow their hearts.
Trying your hand at an entirely new activity is one of the best things you can do for yourself. Placing yourself out of your comfort zone, if even a little, opens yourself to new perspectives and suddenly you’re aware of other opportunities you can take advantage of. Who knows what part of you is waiting to be explored? You may even use this time to develop a true passion or that one thing you always wanted to do years ago.
If you’re ready to seek a new hobby or dust off your old one, below is a list to motivate your excitement, many of which Florida is perfectly suited for:
Outdoor/Active Hobbies:
Stand up Paddling, Road Tripping/Traveling/Exploring, Wildlife Photography, Tai Chi, Yoga, Fishing, Shelling, Dancing, Martial Arts, Kayaking, Hiking, Gardening, Volunteering, Bowling, Badminton, and Archery.
Cognitive Hobbies:
Reading, Book Collecting, Sewing/Knitting/Quilting, Quilling, Stained Glass, Learning to Cook, Beer Brewing/Wine Making, Drawing/Painting, Model Building, Bird-housing, Gaming Clubs like Cards or Dominoes, Calligraphy, Pottery, Journaling/Blogging, Flower Arranging, Puzzles or Adult Coloring Books, Singing/Music, Learn a Language, and Astronomy.
Hobbies That May Offer Both:
Archeology, Leatherwork/Woodwork, Thrifting/Upcycling, Teaching a Course or Taking a Course, Book Clubs, Owning a pet (particularly if you’ve never nurtured one before), or sending physical letters to people – could you imagine the look of surprise from having received a hand-written letter in today’s day and age!
Hobbies You’ve Probably Never Heard of Before:
Bonkei: The poetically beautiful Japanese art of tray landscapes.
Fairy Gardens: A whimsical spin to bonkei, with a fairy twist.
Geocaching: The recreational activity of hunting and finding hidden objects by means of GPS coordinates posted on a website. Scavenger hunts for the 21st century!
Crystals: Collecting them and learning about their mystical properties.
UFO Spotting: Yes! It’s a thing!