What Exactly Is Bee Propolis? Bee propolis is another compound bees produce besides honey. It’s basically bee glue! They use sap and buds from evergreen, poplar, and needle-leaved trees, and combine it with their saliva and beeswax to create a greenish-brown or dark brown sealant used to build, coat, and seal their hives (bees really are industrious creatures). Bees use propolis for several things including protection against pathogens due to its anti-fungal and anti-bacterial properties and keeping bee colonies functional throughout their yearly cycle. What Bee Propolis Can Do For You People have been using bee propolis for thousands of years. Uses range from healing wounds, fighting infection, and reducing itching and scratching. Many cultures have used it as a remedy for cancer, osteoporosis and tuberculosis. Today, bee propolis is used in several products including cosmetics, skin creams, lozenges and ointments. It’s currently being studied in its uses as a dental sealant and tooth enamel hardener. Research studies have identified over 300 compounds in bee propolis, the majority of which are antioxidants that fight disease. Of the many antioxidants found in bee propolis are flavonoids which are also found in fruits, green tea, vegetables and red wine, all food items that are known to be rich in antioxidant properties. While extensive research on the bee propolis is limited, its traditional uses have led many to believe that it is an effective product in protecting against many types of bacteria, fungi and viruses. The most notable studies have pointed out that adding bee propolis is a great way to supplement health. Bee Propolis and Covid-19 Covid-19 has become a household name that has sparked confusion, frustration and anger among many other things for all of us in these nearly 2 years since the virus was first reported in the U.S. And in that time there has been a lot of conflicting info about the kinds of precautions one should take to stay safe. But there is growing evidence that Bee Propolis can help those that have been infected by the virus to feel better in a matter of days. For decades, research has shown that bee propolis, among other honeybee products, show ample antiviral activity against pathogens that cause severe respiratory syndromes, including those that caused Covid-19. Since there are no specific antivirals against Covid19, using natural products that are known to help induce antibody production, maturation of immune cells, and stimulation of immune responses. People who have been with Covid-19 and do not have any of the severe symptoms that warrant medical attention have been able to recover quicker and have felt fewer symptoms in a few days. This includes instances where taste buds and breathing returned to normal. Bee Propolis is an immune booster and a remedy that can help you fend off the effects of Covid19, but it won’t protect you from getting the virus if you have not combined it with recommended safety precautions such as social distancing, hand washing, and mask-wearing. Where You Can Find Bee Propolis Bee Propolis made for consumption comes in raw whole chunks, in soft gel capsules, as a liquid extract, or as a throat spray that are available in nutrition, vitamin and supplement stores, online marketplaces, and large chain pharmacies. There are several reputable brands, including Beekeeper’s Naturals, Sunyata, and Pon Lee among many others. Considering the many health benefits of Bee Propolis, in boosting the antioxidants in our bodies and the impact they have in protecting us from several diseases, it is a great dietary supplement. Supplements and vitamins can be great, but please consult your physician before beginning a new supplement. Natural products like Bee Propolis are great for health and possess little to no side effects for most people. At OurSeniors.net we are always looking out for the best products to enhance the quality of life for the senior community. Check out our other articles for more insightful information to help you and your loved ones lead happier and fuller lives.
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