Category Archives: Health

Holiday Blues (continued)

seniors eating sm wm

Two days ago, our team at wrote a blog about the holiday blues and its possible causes. Today we would like to dive in a little deeper into the subject. The holiday blues or seasonal affective disorder affects about 14% of Americans, according to a paper published by the US National Library of Medicine. […]

Holiday Blues

Senior Talking To Her Daughter

The end of fall marks the beginning of the holiday season. The holidays can be a joyful yet lonely time, especially for seniors. During the winter season the holidays can provoke a real syndrome called the holiday blues. The holiday blues are a feeling of overwhelming sorrow, introspection, and solitude. It steals the joys of […]

How to Age with Grace

seniors eating sm wm

American culture is obsessed with youth or the next big thing. The digital age has helped create shorter attention spans and the constant need for outer validation. So how does one age with grace in these modern times? Through mindfulness, grit and a positive outlook on life. Psychology Today offers a simple acronym to help […]

Pancreatic Cancer Awareness Month


November is Pancreatic Cancer Awareness Month, which is observed globally to raise awareness of one of the commonly overlooked cancers with the lowest survival rates. More than 150 people are diagnosed with it every day and it is the ninth most commonly diagnosed cancer in women and tenth most in men. It is not the […]