Category Archives: Magazine

Labor Day – Why do we celebrate it?

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Labor Day was first celebrated in the far-off state of Oregon, way back in 1887. This was during a time when people were working 60 hours a week in difficult conditions. Labor unions pushed for less hours and began with a street parade to show a unified  Today, it pays tribute to American workers and […]

Remember, is a nonprofit!

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Founded five years ago, was started out of inspiration from a retired nurse that visited nursing homes and spoke words from the Bible to provide comfort to those living there. The team got involved by gathering gifts, blankets, jackets, stuffed animals and cookies to make them feel cared for. This has continued for […]

It’s National Sons and Daughters Day – Reach out to your kids/grandkids!

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Whether your family is small or large, lives close or far, today is a great day to reach out to your kids and grandkids. With each passing day, time flies by and before you know it, the grandkids are graduating college, getting married and you have great-grandkids! Connecting with family members can be a bit […]

What to know about the Delta Variant

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Just as the U.S. was beginning to recover from the pandemic and vaccinations reached all-time highs, the new Delta variant started to hit hard, especially Florida. There is a good amount of misinformation out there and what we are seeing in the news is different than what our nurse and doctor friends and family members […]

Is it getting more difficult to hear people on the phone?

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As we age, hearing becomes more difficult, especially over the phone. It is exhausting to ask someone to keep repeating themselves. Sometimes, having phone conversations doesn’t seem worth it, so its forgotten all together. Thankfully, those days can be over if you qualify for ClearCaptions. It’s is a certified captioning service through the FCC with […]