Happy Thanksgiving 2024

Happy Thanksgiving 2024 Slider

Lets not forget the Turkey Run!

OurSeniors Vendors, Readers, Subscribers, and Donors, Another Holiday Approaches!

Life is unexpected and unscripted and this is something that seniors can often share with us through their experiences and memories as we continue to make our own. This is why we celebrate seniors, to showcase their uniqueness, the things they have gone through, and their current journeys.

As we approach another new year, we first come to a holiday where hearing seniors’ stories and connecting with the older adults in our lives is a highlight of the day.

Do You Have Your Thanksgiving Plans Planned Out?

Everyone associates the Thanksgiving holiday as a time for togetherness and it is but it’s also a time for reflection. This holiday is a great time to really cherish the seniors in our lives because it’s a good excuse for additional memory sharing. Aside from sharing memories and making new memories with our loved ones, Thanksgiving is meant to give us a day where we take stock in our appreciation for the things we’ve done over the past year and recognize the ‘harvest’ of that previous year as well.

If you don’t have any plans for the holiday, don’t overthink it. Whether you plan to cook, order in, or go out to a place that happens to be open, make reflection part of your meal. Find something to participate in or contribute to in your community and do something that you or a loved one would enjoy.

We hope you haven’t forgotten but in case you have, mark your calendars for the Turkey Run in Daytona Thursday- Sunday, December 1st. Now is the time to get your spectator tickets or register for the car corral or swap meet.

Fun for the entire family means having something for everyone and this event has that so if you need to reserve a scooter to make getting around easier or you want to prepare yourself for the vendors that will be present, now is the time to review the vendor guide and make your accommodation recommendations so you don’t miss a beat on the big day!

Also mark your calendars for the upcoming Lunch and Learn! Yes, Friday, December 13th at 10:30am at DB Pickles.

For reserving your spot either click here: or call 386-516-3969 Ext. 4.

Thank you again to all of our Donors and Sponsors and we encourage you to check them out below!

From OurSeniors Team