Search Results for: medicare

Family Caregiving and the RAISE Act

According to statistics gathered by the AARP Public Policy Institute, there are approximately 40 million unpaid family caregivers in the United States. These unpaid caregivers, many of them seniors themselves, gave care worth about $470 billion in 2015. This is based on a conservative caregiving salary of $12.51 an hour for this work. This invisible […]

Elder Law

The medical specialty called ‘geriatrics’ designates a physician who focuses on health care for older adults. Geriatricians are doctors whose medical practice aims to promote the health and wellbeing of seniors. They are experts in preventing and treating diseases and disabilities in our seniors; most seniors are well aware of this medical specialty that is […]

Changes in Social Security Benefits, 2018

In October, the Social Security Administration announced a 2% cost-of-living adjustment, or “COLA,” for Social Security payments in 2018. This increase will raise the average Social Security benefit by a little over $27 per month or about $329 a year. There had been no change in 2016 benefits and only a 0.3% increase in 2017. […]

Thinking Ahead for Seniors: Your Pro Team

Most people do not realize it, but over their lifetime they have assembled their own team of professionals to handle their problems and opportunities.  By the time most people begin a transition to a senior lifestyle, they have had numerous dealings with medical, legal, tax, accounting, real estate and other professionals. They went about this […]