Category Archives: Legal

Probate in Florida: Avoid it at all Costs or Embrace?

Probate in Florida Andrew Grant Summer 2024 Slider

The number one concern of most clients that I meet with for estate planning is how they can avoid probate. Either they or someone they know had to go through the probate process when a loved one died, and it was a complete nightmare. It cost too much. It took too much time. Now everyone […]

Top Estate Planning Mistakes in Florida

Senior Online Magazine Top Estate Planning Mistakes In Florida

It’s a topic many find uncomfortable to talk about, but it’s common fodder for poets, songwriters, novelists and artists: death. We all have to face it one day, and if we’re lucky we have loved ones to be there for us when the time comes. One of the best things we can do to help […]

Tax Tips: Not Just for the End of the Year

Tax Tips Not Just for the End of the Year Slider

Tax advice abounds towards the end of each year as advisors try to help people minimize the taxes due the next April. Some of that advice is common sense, like making sure you paid enough taxes during the year to avoid underpayment penalties. Some of it only applies to people who can afford it, like […]

These are the basic legal issues that arise when someone loses a partner

Senior Working On Laptop

| Written by Andrew Grant | Many things happen all at once when the first of a married couple dies, and the survivor is left to deal with matters that may be unfamiliar and intimidating. Among the most intimidating issues the surviving spouse faces are the legal issues; how to transfer the house, what to […]