Perfect posture and its importance for proper body function

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| Contributed by Fitworks Perfect Posture |
What is the first thing you visualize when you hear the phrase “bad posture?”  I am sure we all see a body slumped forward with rounded shoulders and a huge hump in their upper back.
What is happening to the organs inside that body we just visualized?  What about the nerves?  And, what about the blood flow?
Just in that one small bad posture we have a person who may have restricted nerves going down into his harms and hands.  So, the hands may tingle or feel numb at times.  The fingers may feel cold and may have trouble moving in the manner they are used to.
This person may have trouble raising their hands above their head.  Reaching for items in a cupboard or even washing their hair may be impossible.
They may have digestion issues.  The stomach could feel bloated at times and have heartburn at other times.
The ribcage and sternum are pushing down on to the lungs, restricting oxygen intake and so it is becoming more and more difficult to breathe with every year that goes by and that hump on the back contorts the body more and more.
Once you add a swayback to the “bad posture” picture, we are adding more trouble further down the digestive line—the intestines. Blood and nerve restrictions caused by this contorted body form will most likely cause the person to become irregular in their daily bowel movements.  Constipation is caused from many diverse issues but when you have a deep sway in the low back, the vertebrae are too close together posteriorly causing restrictions in the nerves that are exiting the spinal column.  If those nerves are sending messages to the intestines and they are not able to get all the messages, they are not able to do what they were instructed to do.
Tight muscles add to that issue.  A person with a chronic low-back problem may have swelling and limited range of motion along with constipation.  Think about the other organs of the body that are also experiencing nerve restrictions.  The bladder for example may become incontinent.  Why?  One cause could be the muscle skeletal imbalance of the pelvis and low back.  Doctors provide prescription medications for bladder incontinence but what if a few exercises and stretches were able to end the problem for good?  Is that not a better solution?
We had a young girl, age 11 brought to us by her parents three years ago. She could no longer feel anything from her right knee all the way down to her foot.  She had no more movement of her foot or toes.  It had started about a year prior to us seeing her and her parents had been taking her all over the medical community for tests.  They wanted to know why this was happening to their beautiful little girl!  The child came to us scared, clutching a blanket while she was curled up in the chair.
Because there were no answers from medical doctors, the parents had begun the holistic route.  They were taking her to an acupuncturist who referred them to us.
We could not explain why this had happened nor could we make any promises.  All we could do was correct her muscle-skeletal imbalances.
Our proven theory is that the body was created to heal itself when in a state of ease.  Her body was NOT in a state of ease!  She had a very excessive sway in her low back and her right S.I. Joint was out of its normal position, along with a few other issues.  All we could do was put her joints back in their neutral positions, so the restrictions of the nerves and blood vessels were gone. We put her body back into a state of ease.
She did a video for us with her mom, and she talks about how she had feeling and use of her foot within the sixth session of working with us! Her testimonial video is here if you are interested in viewing it.
From what we know about the human body, the muscles, joints, nerves, and blood vessels all have a “perfect” position—the neutral position.  Once everything is back in its place, the body can function properly inside and outside!
Find the origin of the problem.  Do not simply put a “Band-Aid” over the symptoms.  If the origin of the problem is not related to muscle-skeletal imbalances, then move on from there.
If you do not make time for your WELLNESS, you will be forced to make time for your ILLNESS.