By Andrew Wommack
A big part of my personal testimony is a result of when God taught me about the power of imagination and not limiting Him. I got born again when I was eight years old. But as an adult in 1968, I had an encounter with the Lord that made me realize what a religious hypocrite I was, and I repented. I expected God’s wrath and judgment. Instead, He showered me with supernatural love for the next four and a half months.
During that time, I felt God telling me to share with others what I learned about identity and grace. So, I started heading in that direction, but there was a lot of frustration. It wasn’t God causing the frustration; it was all the junk inside of me that was hindering the Lord from flowing through me.
In 2000, God told me to go on TV, and things started to improve. By 2002, the ministry had doubled in size, so I was on the right path. But then the Lord spoke to me through Psalm 78, which is a retelling of what God did with the Israelites when they came out of Egypt and how they just constantly turned around and rebelled at Him.
How oft did they provoke him in the wilderness, and grieve him in the desert! Yea, they turned back and tempted God, and limited the Holy One of Israel.
Psalm 78:40–41
God had nothing but good plans for the Israelites (Jer 29:11) and wanted to bring them out of Egypt and into the land He had promised them, but they just wouldn’t cooperate. Every time they ran into a hard place, they’d start complaining and talking about dying in the wilderness and wishing they could go back to Egypt.
God was trying to bring them into something better, but they just constantly hindered what He wanted them to do. Notice that it says they often provoked Him, and turned back and tempted the Holy One of Israel.
On January 31, 2002, the Lord spoke that same verse to me, and it’s probably the second-most-important encounter I’ve ever had with the Lord as far as the results that it made in my ministry. He told me, “You’re limiting what I can do through you with your small thinking.” Even though I knew what God wanted for my life and believed I’d reach people worldwide, I realized I was limiting Him in many ways. The biggest way was that I knew His plan, but I couldn’t picture it or see myself doing those things.
After years of rejection, I’d gotten used to people not liking me. It was hard for me to see myself reaching a lot of people, but I knew God wanted my ministry to be huge. So, I had to stop limiting what God could do in my life and start seeing the big picture He had in mind for me. And the events that unfolded as a result are nothing short of miraculous.
In 2002, we had 25 staff, and now we have a team of around 1,200. That’s a forty-eight-fold increase! Our income has increased by fifty-one times, reaching over $100 million per year in the U.S. alone, with an additional $30 million supporting our twenty-two global offices. All this incredible growth unfolded in just twenty-one years. It’s truly been an explosive journey.
The turning point wasn’t that all of a sudden God started moving. God was moving all along. My own limited thinking and fear of judgment had created a dam in my life because I had been holding back, hesitant to express what God had placed in my heart. But once I broke free from that small mindset, it was like that dam broke too, unleashing the flood of God’s intended blessings. And one of the major catalysts to this was using my imagination.
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We love you,
Andrew and Jamie