Category Archives: Inspirational

Seniors Inspirational is a source of uplifting stories, wisdom, and motivation for older adults, offering a dose of positivity to brighten their days and encourage a fulfilling life journey.

What lesson can we learn from Joseph?

Seniors Praying Together

| Written by Andrew and Jamie Wommack | There are only three people I can think of in the Bible who weren’t shown to have serious flaws, didn’t make major mistakes, and didn’t get reproved by God. Joseph is one of them. Joseph was Jacob’s eleventh son, born to Rebekah. Jacob favored Joseph, obvious in […]

Living in the Balance of Grace & Faith

Living in the Balance of Grace Faith Slider

One of the questions I get asked the most is “How do I receive from God?” People usually follow that up with “I’ve been praying, reading my Bible, going to church, and paying my tithes. I’ve been doing everything the Bible says to do.” What they don’t realize is that when they say that, they’ve […]