Small Space Sanctuary


ReadingIn case you haven’t noticed, the Information Age is merely in its infancy and it’s here to stay.  Finding a peaceful moment amidst the cacophony of technology can seem downright impossible.  While many of us have given in, priding ourselves in being as technologically savvy as our grandchildren, we’re also secretly yearning to not be hooked-on-cyberspace.  We get caught in the tidal wave of progress with no life vest to offer reprieve.
The need to know battles against our need for respite creating a soup of listlessness at best and anxiety at worst.  It’s about this time we start yearning for yesteryear.  We can’t go backward, but we can certainly apply efforts to sustain peace of mind, and you don’t need a 1,000 square feet to make it happen!
Taking a cue from the tiny-house phenomenon, with a few simple steps you can create a small-space sanctuary of escape providing a hidey-hole of contentment, liberation from all “the noise” and a spot for you to recharge instead of your gadgets.
The location of your home haven can be as simple as a little used corner in a little used room, or as elaborate as you want it to be.  It can be indoors or outdoors, whatever makes you happy.  Take a gander around your home through the lens of refuge and soon enough, you’ll find your Recharge Retreat.
When choosing a location, try to welcome silence.  A space that’s susceptible to noisy distraction, such as the television, electronic devices or other people, can ruin your Zen moment.   Exception:  you are allowed a device that can play music, see below.
Now it’s time to turn on the olfactory.  Picture this:  you’re finally situated within your sanctuary, ready to release all negativity for a couple of precious minutes, or hours (if we’re so lucky), you take that first cleansing breath and pee-ew, there’s a foul odor in the air.  It could be the dog’s fault, or the dead flowers in the vase, or anything; regardless, make sure your chosen area is clean and keep it so, then enhance the sense with candles, essential oils, or whichever aromatherapy method piques your pleasure.  Your first, deep breath is now ready to set the stage for relaxation.
Comfort is next in line. It could be a recliner, a chaise lounge, a rocking chair, or an armchair & ottoman, but your space needs to include a way for you to literally take a load off.  You don’t have to spend a lot of money. You don’t have to spend any money at all; you can transplant a chair you already own to its new, purposeful location. Speaking of which, make sure you have some throw pillows and comfy blankets handy, this way if you need back support or get chilly, you don’t have to disturb your mood.
If you’ve created your sanctuary and still find it difficult to unplug your mind, music and literature have been known to sooth the savage beast.  Calming tunes or a pleasurable read can advance the stages of relaxation and it’s a good thing to have them handy, even if you wind up using neither.  You would hate to have yourself comfortably situated for 15 minutes then have to disturb the peace to fetch your book or turn on the radio.
This would be the only reason for allowing a technological device.  If you access your e-reader or music app then by all means have your phone or tablet ready to go but remember to discipline yourself against using these devices for any other purpose that may sabotage your quiet zone.
Bonus Tip:  Rest Your Eyes on This.
Perhaps it’s a large, green fern, verdant and proud, a picture of your grandchildren or beloved pet; it may be a painting of the shoreline or a piece of abstract art; whichever you choose, gift yourself a focal point of beauty, something that makes you smile, for your gaze to rest upon.  A visual manifestation of happiness is worth its weight. hopes this article shed some light on finding your comfort zone.  Be it a corner in a little used room, a chaise lounger by the pool, or an armchair by the window, within minutes you can establish yourself a space you’ll want to escape to repeatedly. prides itself on providing useful resources, information and opportunities for our seniors to feel secure and fulfilled.  If you enjoyed this article, please share it with others and consider giving us a review on social media, but not during your quiet time!

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