Spread the Christmas spirit by helping out a senior

Father and Son

Father and SonAt OurSeniors.net, we like to say that our purpose is to serve the needs of seniors in every way possible.  One of the most basic needs of seniors is to remain connected to others. This is true of all people at any age, but it may be more difficult for seniors. If you are a senior living alone, do not feel like you are the only one! According to the Administration on Aging, an agency of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, about 28% of older adults lived alone in 2017.

Today is the day after Christmas; hopefully you have enjoyed a happy and healthy holiday, spent with friends and family. This is the time of year that those connections to others seem especially important. Unfortunately, it is probably true that many of the seniors in our community did not have those opportunities.  Social isolation is one of the most difficult problems faced by our seniors.

We wish that we could end that isolation for all seniors everywhere. That is not possible, but at Ourseniors.net, we try our very best to do what we can for all the seniors and their loved ones within our reach. Let us take this opportunity to ask you to help us in this effort. If you have a senior friend or family member who needs to become more involved in our community or learn about the opportunities for service or the help that is available, please point them to Ourseniors.net and its network of partners.

As an individual friend or family member, you can do a lot too! Here are a few suggestions that would make great belated Christmas gifts:

Volunteer some transportation. If you know a senior who needs a ride to church, a doctor’s appointment or any other commitment, step up and offer to help out.

Help with shopping or preparing meals. This routine activity may become increasingly difficult as we age. You can help your parent or loved one by doing their grocery shopping, monitoring their nutrition or preparing their meals

Help with the housekeeping. Maintaining a home becomes more difficult as we age. If you can provide assistance to a loved one by doing dishes, taking out the garbage or vacuuming, it is a great gift.

Stay in touch. Just keeping up contact with a senior may be a great help in preventing them from feeling isolated. There are so many ways to do this now, including a Facebook page or innovations like Skype.

Provide friendship and companionship. This is probably the most important gift you can give. It will be rewarding to both the senior and to the person who gives of their time!

Ourseniors.net and its network of partners. That’s right! Tell a senior friend about all of the things we do here at OurSeniors.net. A great place to start might be the online addition of OurSeniors.net Magazine. Our magazine is filled with senior-oriented news and information. Hopefully, it will point you, your friend or loved one to a senior activity or opportunity. Here are just a few of the others to check out:

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