OurSeniors.NET is driven by its desire to serve the needs of our senior population, our parents, families and loved ones. We employ a lot of tools – The Senior Transition Pro Team can help with professional advice about problems faced and opportunities open to seniors as they move into a new lifestyle. The Approved Vendor Directory can help you locate services like senior home care, in-home senior care, senior assisted living or memory care living, or a senior real estate specialist. Each of these professionals, service providers and business owners have been vetted and checked out by OurSeniors.NET. They have all demonstrated special sensitivity to the needs of our seniors and their loved ones.
Our senior living magazine, OurSeniors.net Magazine is now available as both an online and as a high quality printed publication. Pick up a copy at locations throughout the Volusia-Flagler area today. As always, remember that you can talk to an OurSeniors.NET Advisor by calling 866-333-2657 or by clicking Contact OurSeniors.NET.
Also, remember to subscribe to the OurSeniors.NET Newsletter! It will be filled with news about the all-things-senior events and services offered by OurSeniors.NET. You can see a copy of the latest edition by clicking OurSeniors.NET Newsletter. To subscribe, click HERE.
Have a great day and however you do it, stay in touch with Ourseniors.NET!