| Written by Andrew Wommack |
What would it take for you to be satisfied in life? Is Jesus enough? In John 14:6–8 (NLT), Jesus tells His disciples,
“I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one can come to the Father, except through me. If you had really known me, you would know who my Father is. From now on, you do know him and have seen him!” Philip said, “Lord, show us the Father, and we will be satisfied.”
Philip wanted Jesus to show them the Father, but Jesus said you already see Him. Who was right: Jesus or Philip? Of course, Jesus was right. Philip missed it when he said, Show us the Father, and then we’ll be satisfied. Philip was saying, I’m not satisfied with you, Jesus.
The problem wasn’t with Jesus. Jesus was God manifest in the flesh (1 Tim. 3:16), and He was perfect. The problem was that Philip only knew Jesus after the flesh. In 2 Corinthians 5:16, the Apostle Paul explains that at one time all the disciples knew Jesus after the flesh. They could tell you what He looked like and could draw a picture of Him, but they didn’t know the real Him. Our physical body is not the real us. Our bodies are like the vehicle that we get around in, but they’re not the real us.
If I went to your house and got out of my car, I would expect you to talk to me, not to my car. My car is just my vehicle; it’s how I get around. The disciples knew Jesus’ vehicle—His body. They knew Him in the natural, but they didn’t know Him by the spirit. If they had known who Jesus was on the inside, the spiritual Him, they would have recognized that this was the Lord God Almighty. However, they were carnal and only went by what they could see, taste, hear, smell, and feel.
Did you know that when Jesus was transfigured in Matthew 17 and a light began to come out of Him, that was not abnormal? Jesus always had this glory and light. The Shekhinah glory of God overshadowed Peter, James, and John, and an audible voice out of heaven said,
This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased; hear ye him.
Matthew 17:5
The transfiguration wasn’t abnormal; it showed how things were in the spirit. In the spirit, Jesus was the glory of God, but His physical body was like a veil that kept people from seeing the real glory of God because they wouldn’t be able to handle it.
Jesus was sinless, but He was so human that his disciples had trouble believing that He was God. We actually have it easier than the disciples did. We can relate to God in the spirit. We can look through the Word of God, and we can see Him in all of His glory, by the Holy Spirit who reveals Jesus unto us. He reveals who Jesus is and we can worship Him in spirit and in truth (John 4:24).
But sad to say, like Philip, we often don’t recognize who Jesus really is because we are so caught up in our flesh. We want to feel the love of God in the physical. On the surface it looks great when people say, Oh God, just touch me. But what they’re really saying is, Oh God, come down to my level and give me something physical so that I don’t have to believe the Word of God that You’re always with me, and I don’t have to trust that by Your stripes I was healed (1 Pet. 2:24). This is not the way we should approach God.
To be satisfied in life, we need to change from being carnally minded, which is death, to being spiritually minded, which is life and peace (Rom. 8:6).
I hope this teaching has blessed you! If you’re hungry to learn more, I encourage you to visit my website, awmi.net, where you’ll find an abundance of free teaching. Also, if you’re in need of prayer, our trained prayer ministers are available 24/7 for you at 719-635-1111.
You are a blessing!