These are all the ways God’s word is binding

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| Written by Andrew Wommack | When God speaks, His words are binding—they’re like an unbreakable contract. He always says exactly what He means, He never lies, and He never says, “Whoops, I’ve changed My mind.” This entire universe is held together by the power of God’s words. It was His word that created the […]

There are more Medicare Enrollment Periods than you might think

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Medicare’s Enrollment Periods Unlike the health insurance you may have had before turning 65, Medicare has multiple “enrollment periods.” Each of these windows is designed for people in a specific situation. You may be new to Medicare, changing residences or trying out an Advantage plan to see how you like it. There is likely to […]

The Dangers of Dehydration in the Fall Months

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When it comes to proper hydration in people, most believe that we should be concerned with the summer months when temperatures can spike to over 100 degrees. The risks of dehydration are particularly high for infants and seniors. Each year there are warnings from several resources encouraging people to stay hydrated during the summer to […]

What You Need to Consider Before rejoining Community Events

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Seniors that stay socially active experience several benefits that enrich their lives, including better cognitive function, boosted immune system, and improved mental and physical health. Social activities, however, have been a challenge in the last year and a half because of Covid-19 quarantine protocols. This has time has been particularly difficult for seniors because quarantine […]