Category Archives: Retirement and Finance

Heads Up- Traditional Banks Are Going Away!

Money Slider

You have probably noticed that there are fewer and fewer bank branches. In fact, between 2017 and 2021, over 4,400 bank branches shut down permanently. At the height of the pandemic, many more were temporarily closed or offered only limited services. At some branches, it was necessary to make a special appointment to access a […]

Strategies for an Independent Retirement and Healthcare Plan

Senior couple dealing with retirement and finances Slider

Provided by Rhonda Underhill   In today’s unpredictable world, it’s more crucial than ever to navigate the complexities of financial planning for retirement and healthcare. Relying solely on Social Security and Medicare can be a risky strategy. The valuable strategies in this guide is here to assist you in building a robust financial and […]

Strategies for an Independent Retirement and Healthcare Plan for a Secured Future

Seniors Dealing With COLA

By Don Lewis In today’s unpredictable world, it’s more crucial than ever to navigate the complexities of financial planning for retirement and healthcare. Relying solely on Social Security and Medicare can be a risky strategy. The valuable strategies in this guide is here to assist you in building a robust financial and healthcare plan, […]

Preplanning With Dignity Memorial

Preplanning With Dignity Memorial Slider

At 2:00 am, the young teenager heard a disturbance down the hallway. Awakening from sleep, she heard her father making noises and her mother screaming. She crept down the hallway to see what was happening. She saw her father on the living room floor having a seizure. The neurologist, who lived across the street, had […]