The fight against diabetes starts with awareness

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More than 100 million Americans have a high risk of developing diabetes or already have been diagnosed with the condition. Due to such a high number of the population being exposed to the early development of the disease, you may already know someone that has it or you may have received the diagnosis yourself. There […]

Happy Veterans Day to our Nation’s Heroes

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Happy Veterans Day from our team at! We are grateful to the men and women who have proudly served in the U.S. military. Our team would also like to thank the soldiers who are currently serving our nation. As many of us may know, Veterans Day started when World War I ended and fighting […]

Cooking every day can be complicated, meal delivery services are not

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One of the biggest challenges faced by many seniors is the task of daily meal preparation. It is not uncommon to find a senior who has resorted to eating breakfast cereal or some other very basic food at every meal. Planning, shopping for, storing and preparing a balanced meal can be a complicated task, even […]

How to Phase-In Healthy Visits with Relatives and Friends

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In the early weeks of the Covid-19 pandemic, there was a lot of conflicting information that created a lot of confusion about safety. Many people know about the benefits of spending time outdoors, but there was a sudden urgency from warnings suggesting that people should stay indoors for safety. As the months passed, we learned […]

Majestic Gardens provides a High-quality Living Experience

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Majestic Gardens is a 16-bed assisted living facility under the supervision of a medical doctor, Dr. Regina Asihene, who is also the president of the facility. Her mission is to provide residents with a unique living experience tailored to his or her specific needs whether it be specialized, long-term care or a short-term solution. Staff […]