Written by Andrew Wommack
Do you ever feel like you and God have drifted apart and that the love and joy you once experienced with Him has faded? If you do, you‘re not alone. Most Christians feel like the experiences they have with God diminish over time and that they need another touch. But that is not what the Bible teaches.
The Bible says God will never leave us nor forsake us (Heb. 13:5). If that is true–and it is –who moved? As born–again believers, we are all capable of living in the fullness of God every day of our lives. God is continually pouring out His love, joy, peace, revelation knowledge, and every other blessing. But we can get to a point where we‘re not receiving and feel like He has drifted away.
Romans 1:21 says, When they knew God, they glorified him not as God, neither were thankful; but became vain in their imaginations, and their foolish heart was darkened.
This scripture contains four separate elements, or keys, that can lead us into and keep us operating in the fullness of God. Expressed positively, they are: Glorify God Be thankful Recognize the power of imagination Have a good heart , We have the power to control each of these in our lives.
How We Perceive God
The first key–to glorify God has a lot to do with how we perceive Him. In many places throughout the Bible, the word magnify is the same word that is translated as glorify. Therefore, magnify and glorify can be used interchangeably. And magnify means to make bigger. Technically speaking, God is who He is, regardless of what you think, but in terms of your perception, He can be big or small. You have the power to make Him one or the other in your life. Most of us have become masters at enlarging the problem and minimizing God and His Word. That‘s exactly the opposite of what we need to do.
Thankful Heart
The second key to staying full of God is a thankful heart. Paul listed unthankfulness as one of the signs of the end times and put it in the same verse as covetousness, pride, blasphemy, and unholiness (2 Tim. 3:1–2). Glorifying, magnifying, and thanking Him are all interrelated, but to glorify God, you must be thankful. As you‘re thanking Him, you‘re reminding yourself of what He has said and done, which magnifies Him.
Every time you are tempted to gripe and complain about a problem, don‘t. Instead, enter into God‘s presence and spend ten minutes thanking Him for His goodness. If you do, you‘ll find that the natural desire to complain will cease, and the problem will shrink as you begin to see it in the proper perspective.
The third key is imagination. Imagination is much more important than most of us realize. Those of us with vain imaginations are pessimists, imagining failure instead of success. We need to use our imaginations to agree with God‘s Word and see ourselves the way God sees us: happy, healthy, and prosperous.
Good Heart
The fourth key is to have a good heart. The Scripture makes it very clear that the attitude of your heart is far more important than your actions. Our hearts control what we say, and they also control what we do. Love, joy, peace, patience, and the rest of the fruit of the Spirit (Gal. 5:22–23) are products of what our hearts believe. The reason the heart responds in a negative way is because we allow it to be dominated by external or physical things instead of by the Word of God.
If you‘ll put these four keys into practice in your life, you will never be the same. It will change the way you think about everyone and everything around you.
I hope this teaching has blessed you. If you‘re hungry for truth, I encourage you to visit awmi.net for countless hours of teaching and resources available for free. Also, if you‘re in need of prayer, just call my Helpline at 719–635-1111 to speak to one of my trained prayer ministers. They will stand in agreement with you for God‘s perfect will in your life.
Abundant blessings to you.