Letter to Readers – Summer 2024

Letter To Readers Summer 2024 Slider

To All OurSeniors Readers, Subscribers, Vendors, and Donors,

Helping OurSeniors Help Others

A popular saying tells us that “You get what you pay for.” If you want a good quality product or service, you pay the price. In most cases, that holds true. We all shop for bargains, but when something is free, we are skeptical of it. OurSeniors.Net and OurSeniors.org are exceptions to that rule. They offer the highest quality information and services available, but they are free to use.

How is this possible? One reason is the generous support of our sponsors like MetroHealth Clinics, Culver’s, Red Robin Restaurants and you can see the list of our current Donors here: Ourseniors.org/fundraiser/ Are you ready to Support OurSeniors and be on the list of Donors? When you read our print magazine, Ourseniors.org/about/senior-magazine/, or view it online, please make note of these fine businesses and professional practices. By patronizing them, you are helping OurSeniors to continue its many services and resources free-of-charge.

Those free services include unique programs such as our link with the Seniors Versus Crime Project of the Florida Attorney General. The Seniors Vs Crime Project strives to reduce the victimization of senior citizens who are targeted for specific crimes or scams based on their age. Operating in all 67 Florida counties, the Seniors vs Crime Program comes to the aid of senior fraud victims, helping them recover lost resources.

Seniors go through a variety of hardships as they age. The OurSeniors Team was created to help seniors seeking assistance when in need. We handle logistical complications like finding caretaker services, solving transportation problems, providing pharmaceutical assistance and help with many other problems. OurSeniors is a Free Resource, providing information and directing seniors to our vetted, qualified professionals. We can help find services like asset protection, estate planning, or retirement planning.

OurSeniors.Net provides these services and support through several means. The OurSeniors Lunch and Learn programs provide an opportunity for seniors to meet and socialize in person with their peers while receiving valuable information from professionals in law, medicine and other areas. The Approved Vendor and Pro Team listings give seniors and their families access to dependable professionals and businesses who specialize in providing service to seniors.

OurSeniors.Net Magazine has become recognized as the best senior-oriented publication in Florida. Each quarter, it brings entertainment, news, and encouragement to the senior community. The “Amazing Senior” section features, the accomplishments and life stories of Amazing Seniors of The Greatest Generation. These are true stories of accomplishments, trials, endurance that encourage all of us. Read these stories here: ourseniors.net/editions/amazing-seniors/

All these services are provided free of charge to seniors and their families. Today, if you are reading this letter, you too can make a difference! To continue providing these Free Resources to this growing community, we need your Donation Now! OPERATION Support OurSeniors.org provides an easy opportunity for you to do just that. All contributions go to ensure that our publications and services remain free to the seniors who need them. As a 501 C (3) organization, donations are tax-deductible.

Please go to www.OurSeniors.org/donate to find out more. Seniors love our magazine and other services, but we need your help to continue serving seniors. The increasing costs of producing and distributing OurSeniors.Net Magazine and other services have made this extremely difficult. Your donation now will give you a quarterly magazine mailed to your house, online access, Podcasts, Discounts and Newsletters. Best of all, it will give you a chance to help OurSeniors, the generation that truly made America great. Thank you.

-As always, you as a reader are part of everything that we achieve, and that will never go unnoticed.

OurSeniors.net Team