To All OurSeniors Readers, Subscribers, Vendors, and Donors,
Help Us to Help Seniors
Sometimes it is a good idea to remind ourselves of some very basic facts. What are we about? Why do we work and strive so hard? For what purpose? For, the answer is simple: OurSeniors is about serving the needs of seniors. That is our vision, our purpose, our objective.
The world is filled with good causes. Some serve the needs of children, or refugees, or the homeless. These are all good organizations, worthy of support. Strangely, the needs of seniors are seldom at or near the top of the list. This is odd because most adults will one day fall into the large and growing group we call “seniors.” We will not become refugees or homeless, but the challenges of senior life will confront most of us.
Seniors are the fastest growing part of our population, and they often have needs that can be met only with outside help. Hopefully, senior years are “golden,” but they also bring health issues, cognitive decline, financial challenges and sometimes social isolation and loneliness. exists to help meet those needs. That is why we publish, present, organize, and engage in the many activities that benefit seniors. It is also why most of these activities are completely free to seniors.
Consider just a few of these activities, starting with OurSeniors.Net Radio. Each week the live show hosts a guest with information on a topic of direct interest to seniors. The show is broadcast on WNGB radio and made available online via YouTube. The OurSeniors Lunch and Learn programs provide much the same type of information, plus the opportunity for seniors to meet and socialize in person with their peers. The OurSeniors Approved Vendors and Pro Team listings provide seniors and their families with dependable professionals and businesses who specialize in providing service to seniors.
Both the online and printed editions of OurSeniors.Net Magazine are recognized as the best senior-oriented publications in Florida. Quarterly, they bring news, features, entertainment, and savings to the senior community. The Amazing Senior feature has spotlighted the accomplishments of very famous seniors like Mr. Pat Boone, but also the quiet deeds of other members of the “Greatest Generation.”
All these great products, services and events serve the needs of seniors in their own way. That is our reason to exist. Those products and services share other common qualities: they are free to seniors and cost money to produce. is a nonprofit, 501 C (3) organization. It does not try to generate a profit, but it has expenses that must be met. In recent times, these expenses have risen dramatically. For example, the cost of printing and distributing this magazine has almost doubled, while it has become very difficult to offset those costs with advertising income. Just like us, our great sponsors and supporters are looking for ways to cut expenses. Sometimes this means us, and the result is fewer resources to help seniors.
That is why we are issuing this appeal. Please help keep OurSeniors a viable and useful service to the senior community! Now is the time to contribute to this nonprofit that serves the needs of seniors. Please help us continue this mission. Of course, donations made to 501 C (3) organizations like OurSeniors are tax deductible for the donors, so give while you live!
Go to this website or call us at 386-267-6898 to help us help seniors!
-As always, you as a reader are part of everything that we achieve, and that will never go unnoticed. Team