Hi There OurSeniors Vendors, Readers, Subscribers and Donors
It’s amazing that we’re in the middle of March already, quickly approaching spring, and gearing up for upcoming events. As we get further away from chilly temperatures, there is a lot more that we can do, especially outdoors and we have 2 events ready to be posted on your calendar. Also, we hope you’ve adjusted your clocks accordingly.
Don’t Forget About Daylight Savings Time
On Sunday, March 12th, you should have been setting your clock back an hour. What this means is that we gained an hour and we’re curious about what you might be doing differently with a bit of extra time added to your day. While this does mean that we will be experiencing an earlier sunrise, we’ll also experience a bit of a later sunset.
Regardless of which you prefer, this could be a chance to achieve a bit more sleep, have more time to wind down, or have more of an opportunity to watch the Florida sunset if you didn’t have the time before. Also, did you know that crime rates tend to drop during daylight savings time? Traffic accident rates tend to drop as well and you’ll have the chance to completely minimize energy consumption on top of that.
It’s Time for the Daytona Turkey Run
It’s time for fun….3 full days of it. You could go alone, with friends, or bring the entire family and you might be wondering where. The 33rd Annual Spring Daytona Turkey Run is right around the corner. Try to get your taste of fun from March 24, 2023 to March 26, 2023.
You will have access to a massive swap meet, amazing food and drinks, and a classic car show. While you might be busy finding things to do, there is plenty to keep children entertained as well. Kids will have access to the kid zone, experience a lot of music, and much more that you will have to find out about by attending.
We Would Like to Have You for Brunch
If you’ve attended any of our lunch and learn events, you may already know that we take this time to combine good eats and a chance to learn something new. This is also a chance to increase awareness on certain topics from industry experts, bring people from the community together, and support seniors in new ways.
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The next upcoming lunch and learn event will be on May 19, 2023, from 10:30 am to 12:30 pm and you won’t want to miss it. Ensure that you mark your calendars so that you hear more about how to plan your life and legacy. You will also have the opportunity to attend another lunch and learn event on June 16, 2023, where you will learn more about estate planning with IRAs and have the opportunity to ask questions and get answers directly from a certified tax attorney. We can’t wait to see you there and we hope you bring an appetite considering the popular and well-known DB Pickles Deli & Bakery Restaurant will be our place of preference.
As always, you are an appreciated part of the OurSeniors team. There isn’t much that we could get done without the support and encouragement of those that admire what we do on a daily basis for the seniors in our community.
Julian G. Cantillo, L.P.N, President and Founder of OurSeniors.net Magazine
P.S. We are excited, be on the lookout for the upcoming Spring Edition, just
a couple of hints..Speedy Gonzales and Tutti Frutti!