The beginning of anything can often look small, unremarkable, or even downright impossible. When I first sensed God’s call to take my ministry to television, it didn’t seem like it could ever happen. I remember thinking, how can this happen? I’m just a guy with a message. I don’t have a big budget or a flashy production team. But I soon realized that what we consider limitations, God sees as opportunities for His glory to shine.
It was twenty-five years ago when I first started my Gospel Truth television broadcast—truly a miracle. When the Lord initially spoke to me about television, I interviewed several people who were supposed to help me get started. But none of them seemed to be the right fit. They had their own plans and ideas for me, but something didn’t feel right.
Then a friend of mine recommended Stephen Bransford. I’ll never forget the moment he walked in the door. He didn’t pitch anything to me. Instead, he wanted to understand who I was and what God had called me to do, before offering any solutions. That was different. That was exactly what I needed.
I gave Stephen some of my materials, and a week later he returned, having taken the time to listen, understand, and hear from the Lord. He didn’t just want to produce a show; he wanted to help me communicate the Gospel effectively.
Stephen had years of experience in television production, but more importantly, God had been preparing him for that exact moment. He had worked with ministries like Billy Graham’s, TBN, and others, but when he walked into the small building I had at the time, God showed him exactly where he was meant to be. He saw it all—the office he’d be working in, the classroom where the set would be located—and he knew that this was where he was supposed to be.
That moment was a reminder to me of how God leads us step by step. We might not always see the big picture at first, but God knows exactly where He’s taking us. When I look back on those early days, I realize how far God has brought us. That humble little building on Robinson Street wasn’t much to look at. But it was where God began this television ministry. And just like the Lord showed Stephen where he was supposed to be, He showed me where we were going.
When Stephen came onboard, we began talking about the vision for the program. I had ideas for flashy graphics and high production value, but Stephen gently reminded me that my strength wasn’t in showmanship; it was in sharing God’s Word simply and directly. He saw that my teaching style was like sitting across the table, talking plainly and making the Bible clear.
That’s when it clicked. The Gospel’s power isn’t in showy elements. It’s in the simple truth. God hadn’t called me to put on a show—He called me to make His Word clear to anyone who would listen. Looking back after twenty-five years, I’m overwhelmed with gratitude—not just for the growth of this ministry, but for the lives touched and hearts changed by the truth of the Gospel.
This has never been about me—it’s always been about God and His faithfulness. His calling is not limited by our circumstances or by what we see in the natural. Whatever God calls you to do, He will provide the way, the people, and the resources to make it happen.
Maybe you’re feeling like you’re too small, too unqualified, or too far behind to ever step into what God is calling you to. But let me just tell you—don’t limit what God wants to do. God isn’t looking for your perfection, just your willingness. He’s looking for someone to trust Him and say, “Yes, Lord, I believe You can do this through me.”
If you enjoyed what I shared here, visit my website at, where you’ll find additional free teachings and resources. If you need prayer, I encourage you to call my Helpline at 719-635-1111, where one of my trained prayer ministers would love to pray with you.
We love you,
Andrew and Jamie