Podcasts are great! Here are a few to know

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September 30 is International Podcast Day, so we wanted to highlight a few that we enjoy. If you have never heard of a podcast or you want to learn more, read below! Podcasts have been around since the early-2000’s as a way to produce radio-style shows in a format where people can listen to them […]

How often should you clean out your refrigerator?

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When we clean our home, the last thing we think about is our refrigerator. It’s hidden, and there’s typically food in it at all times, making it hard to take the time to empty it for cleaning. What many of us may not know is that bacteria can linger in there from things leaking or […]

It’s the First Day of Fall! Make Your Home Look Festive

Today marks the first day in fall and although we live in Florida and do not experience the season as fully as our northern neighbors, there are plenty of ways to get into the fall spirit. From table settings to outdoor decorations, you can turn your home into an inviting and cozy space. Add pumpkin […]