Summer 2023 – Letter to Readers

Letter To Readers - Summer 2023

To All OurSeniors Readers, Subscribers, Vendors, and Donors,

As we head full force into this upcoming Florida Summer, we want to invite you to take an active role in our magazine and our mission. Interact with us on our social channels and share with us your favorite summer memories, travel experiences, or tips for enjoying the season safely. Let us know about the events, activities, and places you’d like us to explore and feature. Your involvement as readers is what drives us to do everything that we can for Florida seniors.

Being part of the OurSeniors community goes beyond the pages that we print. It’s about creating connections, fostering friendships, and supporting one another. We encourage you to engage with fellow readers, follow our digital content, and attend local events that we coordinate. Why do we want this? We want this so that you can see that you have a seniors advocate, a reliable resource of interesting and useful information, and something to run to when you need a sense of community.

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The Benefits of Feeling Like You’re Part of Something

OurSeniors is more than just a resource. We’re a community and that doesn’t just include our staff but our readers and avid supporters as well. As we age, it becomes increasingly important to have a sense of belonging and connection with others. That’s the truth for just about anyone, regardless of age. Feeling like you’re part of something can have a variety of benefits for both your physical and mental well-being and that’s something that we enjoy being able to give our subscribers.

Research has shown that this type of inclusion and the sense of connectivity you get often shows a greater sense of empowerment and even offers a source of emotional support. Having a reliable support system can help to alleviate stress and promote a positive outlook on life. When we feel connected to others, we have a network of individuals who understand and empathize with our experiences, making us feel valued and supported. Our mission was to provide exactly this through our magazine and the content and resources that we fill it with. We want to offer social support and opportunities, contribute to emotional and mental well-being, and keep the seniors in our community engaged with us and feeling heard.

With that, we enjoy being able to offer a wide range of activities and opportunities for seniors to participate in and we want to encourage you to embrace the power of the community we’re creating with you and to interact with us in any way that you can because – it’s all a team effort.

What Seniors Mean to The Community

Let’s not forget that seniors are the pillars of our community. They have had a direct hand in shaping the societies that we know and that is why advocating for seniors is our primary mission. Older adults bring a unique perspective to more than we could guess, and this is what we value and is the message that we want to extend to all Floridians.

They serve as role models and inspirations for people of all ages and this is something worth sharing with everyone that we can reach.

– OurSeniors Team

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