Dear OurSeniors Readers, Subscribers and Donors,
The New Year is here and if you weren’t already aware, New Year’s Day is the most celebrated holiday across the globe. This may be because everyone goes into the new year together and regardless of our resolutions, everyone is pushed into a new time, a new moment where time seems to reset. This holiday is like a marking of a new chance, and it represents a period in which we can all recognize the previous year’s achievements, failures, memories, significant moments, and newly made connections.
As we progress through the rest of winter and into another season, 2023 is an opportunity to do things differently, to expand on our ideas that we had in 2022, to achieve new goals, and to carve our resolutions into what we will use to drive us through the year ahead. Along with another new year comes new beginnings and a fresh start but the question is, what are you going to plan to pursue in 2023?
It’s a New Year!
The marking of a new year means more than just another 12 months. Caesar instituted January 1st as the “start of the year” as part of a reform and the reason for this was to show honor for Janus who was the Roman god for new beginnings. Janus’ two faces gave him the power to take a look back into the past and to look into the future and this inspired the symbolization of the holiday we know today.
As the new year starts to set in, the dynamic for resolutions and how to celebrate them varies for different people. Some will set weight loss goals or goals focused on career enhancement or retirement. Some also emphasize ways to prepare themselves to bring in the new year such as treating themselves to time at the spa, starting a new book, setting off on a trip, or finally launching a groundbreaking business idea right away. No matter how you decide to celebrate or prepare, new beginnings are different for everyone.
New Beginnings Are Meaningful
What does a new beginning mean for you? Does it mean taking control of health problems and leading a healthier lifestyle? Does it mean doing more with family and putting more effort into reestablishing relationships? Or does it mean doing things that you’ve been putting off for months or even years and finally doing them like learning a new language, going for a new job, or volunteering for a cause that you support?
The thing to realize is that new beginnings represent new hope and what this does is motivate action into things that you may have been stalling on. New year resolutions and celebrations are chances to see the light and optimism that come with doing the things that get you closer to your family, your goals, and your interests.
Time for a Fresh Start for New Opportunities
New opportunities mean change and change is something that we should embrace. Oftentimes, a fresh start leads to increased strength, personal improvement, flexibility, and self-progress. What we hope you take from a fresh start is that the “fresh start effect” is very much real and affects different people, differently. No matter what that means for you, your friends, family, and those around you, it can result in anything that you believe it can.
As you lean further into what 2023 has in store for you, OurSeniors team will be doing the same and we hope to have your support and for you to extend your ideas if there is something that you would like to see us do for the community, to see us add to the OurSeniors magazine, or to experience with us as we continue spreading knowledge about a wide range of interests with the help from leaders in our communities. Happy New Year to all and remember that we need your support yes, we are a 501 (c) (3) not-for-profit. If you enjoy this publication, all we ask is that You give while you Live!
Finally, we are dedicating this Edition to our beloved Friend, Vendor, Subscriber and Donor Barbara Andersen who just recently passed away. She was truly an Amazing Senior and yes we will miss her, she was 84 years young and you can see more about her here:
Julian G. Cantillo, L.P.N, President and Founder of Magazine