Finding Assisted Living Welcomes Simone Velasquez Hoover, PA

Finding Assisted Living and would like to welcome our newest CPA, Simone Velasquez Hoover, to the team. Ms. Velasquez Hoover has been in the business for over 30 years and you can check out her profile here. has a Video! has a new video on YouTube. Be sure to check it out here.

Password Security

Do you have passwords that can be easily hacked by someone who knows a little about you? If you use a sports team name like ‘Yankees’ or a hobby-related term such as ‘surfermike’, anyone who looks through your Facebook profile might have a clue that would make you vulnerable. Do you use the same password […]

Adult Care Home and Assisted Living Facility Fraud and Abuse

Most operators of assisted living facilities and ‘Adult Care Homes’ are honest professionals who work hard providing high quality care for their residents. They often face difficulties in finding qualified help, dealing with the bureaucracies of government and private insurance companies and observing the many laws and official guidelines that necessarily regulate this industry. Unfortunately, […]

The Challenges of Living Independently After Retiring

Everyone wants to remain as independent as possible after retiring. The ability to live independently depends on a number of factors, and there is a great range of abilities to meet these challenges. Some people seem to age well for years, even decades after retiring while others encounter difficulties quickly. The passage of time cannot […]