Tag Archives: legal assistance for seniors

It’s Time to Have That Difficult Conversation With Your Older Parents

men fishing

I moved away from my parents’ home before I turned 18 years old. Whenever I would go back to visit, my mom would tell me “All our important papers are in that file cabinet.” I would nod but I never walked over to that file cabinet and opened the drawer to see what she thought […]

Estate Planning for Heirs With Special Needs

senior man and man with down syndrome

We all know the cast of characters that make up our families can be as varied as the shells that wash up on the beach. Sometimes that cast includes persons with special needs; needs that prevent them from being able to take care of themselves; needs that prevent them from wisely managing significant sums of […]

Make A Living Will!

Last will and testament

You have probably heard the pious sounding advice that “everyone should have a living will.” In this case, the pious advice is absolutely correct! If any group of people is in a position to know the truth of this, it is emergency room physicians. They are on the front line in dealing with the unforeseen […]

The FAL Senior Transition Pro Team’s attorneys can help powers-of-attorney

Have you designated someone to carry out your wishes if you are not able to communicate or speak for yourself? The Senior Transition Pro Team’s attorneys can help with this task, but first click on “Designating A Healthcare Surrogate” to read about this subject.