Category Archives: Health & Wellness

Seniors health and wellness focuses on the well-being and overall health of older adults. It encompasses various aspects such as physical, mental, emotional, and social well-being. Seniors health and wellness programs often include activities, services, and resources that promote healthy aging, address age-related challenges, and support seniors in maintaining a high quality of life. This can include exercise programs, health screenings, preventive care, mental health support, social engagement opportunities, nutrition guidance, and access to healthcare services tailored to the unique needs of older adults. The aim is to help seniors stay active, independent, and achieve optimal health throughout their aging journey.

Florida Is #2 for Melanoma in the U.S: Your Skin in the Sunshine State and What You Need to Know Is #2 for Melanoma in the U.S: Your Skin in the Sunshine State and What You Need to Know

Did you know that Florida is the second highest-ranking state in the U.S. for new melanoma cases? At least 7,650 people are expected to die from Melanoma in the U.S. annually according to the American Cancer Society and the unfortunate thing is that in Florida, about 600 people alone die from it, each year. With […]

What You Should Know About Vitamin F You Should Know About Vitamin F

While there are a variety of vitamins that play a unique role in our bodies, there is another lesser-known vitamin that we don’t hear about much: Vitamin F. The term “Vitamin F” is not officially recognized as an individual vitamin.   Instead, it’s actually a name assigned to a combination of two essential fatty acids (EFAs) […]

How Can I Live Longer? Wear Hearing Aids

Senior Hearing

It’s common knowledge by now that there’s a correlation between hearing loss and its direct negative impact on one’s overall health. Communication troubles, isolation, depression, fatigue, risk of falls and cognitive decline have a higher occurrence in seniors with hearing loss. That’s something you may have already read about. But one thing you might not […]

World Suicide Prevention Day: Opening the Discussion Suicide Prevention Day: Opening the Discussion

World Suicide Prevention Day is an annual awareness day dedicated to raising awareness and understanding of suicide, its prevention, and the support available to those in distress. For every 9 people per every 100,000, commit suicide. With 800,000 people dying of suicide per year, there is an immediate need for suicide prevention and proactive education.  The challenging […]

Advantages and Disadvantages of Chiropractic Care as a Senior and Disadvantages of Chiropractic Care as a Senior

It’s a fact that we lose bone mass as we age. Women actually lose 20% of bone density within the first 5 to 7 seven years post-menopause. Generally speaking though, men and women lose bone mass at the same rate.  Our calcium absorption decreases with age and this is what causes brittle bones and fractures more […]