Category Archives: Health & Wellness

Seniors health and wellness focuses on the well-being and overall health of older adults. It encompasses various aspects such as physical, mental, emotional, and social well-being. Seniors health and wellness programs often include activities, services, and resources that promote healthy aging, address age-related challenges, and support seniors in maintaining a high quality of life. This can include exercise programs, health screenings, preventive care, mental health support, social engagement opportunities, nutrition guidance, and access to healthcare services tailored to the unique needs of older adults. The aim is to help seniors stay active, independent, and achieve optimal health throughout their aging journey.

The Florida Orange Is Actually a Health Enhancer Florida Orange Is Actually a Health Enhancer

Florida is known for more than its great weather, various beaches, and long lists of excursions. If you’re a Floridian, you know that the state is popular for its supply of citrus or, in other words, the state’s oranges in particular. There are about 27 varieties of Florida oranges that provide the country with much-needed […]

Seniors and Social Activity: What to Know

Senior with dog

With an aging population, social activity for seniors has become increasingly important. Seniors who stay active and connected to the people they care about and people, in general, are happier and healthier as a result. Unfortunately, though, at least 28% of those over 50 are completely inactive outside of the most basic movements used for […]

The Health Benefits of Golfing You Didn’t Know About Health Benefits of Golfing You Didn’t Know About

About 5.3 million American seniors over the age of 65 play golf and most of them play for the love of the game or the thrill of a new hobby sport. Golf is far more than just a leisurely way to spend time with friends, and family, or to pass time. It’s also a surprisingly effective way […]

Help Me Understand the Different Hearing Aid Models and Their Features

RX Hearing Slider Image Post Watermarked

Since the FDA established new regulations enabling consumers to purchase hearing aids over-the-counter, there has been a wave of interest for first-time buyers of hearing aids. However, there are many options on the market, each with different features and price ranges. We hope to assist you in identifying the right product fit and technology settings […]

Limited Mobility? Here’s How to Build an Appropriate Workout Routine as a Senior Mobility? Here’s How to Build an Appropriate Workout Routine as a Senior

What many people don’t realize is that more than 1 in every 4 adults in the United States that are over the age of 50, don’t exercise regularly. As you grow older, it can become increasingly challenging to keep up with a fitness routine. That’s not too hard to understand considering that as we age […]