OurSeniorsDiscounts.net is happy to announce their website dedicated to helping seniors find discounts and coupons. With the rising costs of everyday life, it’s hard to find anyone who doesn’t like to save money, especially seniors. https://www.OurSeniorsDiscounts.net recognizes the value of seniors in today’s society and has created a platform that connects them with merchants who […]
Category Archives: Press Releases
A seniors press releases category page is a dedicated section on a website or news platform that specifically contains press releases related to topics and events relevant to seniors. This page serves as a central hub where media organizations and individuals can access and stay updated on the latest news and announcements related to senior citizens. It may include press releases about advancements in senior care, health and wellness initiatives, retirement planning, senior community events, policy and advocacy updates, and other timely information that impacts older adults.
Operation Support OurSeniors.org is a fundraising campaign intended to help defray the costs associated with the many valuable services these organizations provide. OurSeniors.org is a 501 C (3) charitable organization and has been providing those services without charge for years. These benefits have been an invaluable aid to seniors and their families. For years, OurSeniors […]
MetroHealth, an OurSeniors.Net partner, is committed to making high-quality primary care accessible to the senior community. Accessibility is an important issue in providing senior healthcare. For many seniors, lack of mobility is a roadblock that prevents them from getting prompt, effective medical care. MetroHealth has invested in a unique solution to this common problem. The […]
Did you know that seniors are the population group most likely to be “scammed?” According to the Federal Trade Commission, American consumers were scammed out of 8.8 billion dollars in 2022. Seniors lost the most money compared to other age groups. Seniors are often targeted by scammer criminals for several reasons; they are thought to […]
Written By COA St. John’s County St. Augustine, Florida, October 24, 2023 – As a young child, Cooper Alfiero accompanied his mom, Toni, to volunteer at Council on Aging’s Coastal Community Senior Center in St. Augustine. As he grew, he returned with members of his St. Augustine Boy Scout Troop 345 to volunteer at COA. […]